Search results

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    AFTRS Open - The Australian Film Television and Radio School short course program

    If your real passion is to work in film, TV, or radio, then try a short course with AFTRS Open to whet your appetite. We offer courses at introductory and advanced levels, depending on your commitment and skill level, on weeknights, weekends or during semester breaks. Join the discussion below...
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    Need help getting into UTS?

    If you just missed the grades you needed to get into UTS, you've probably been glued to the Bored of Studies website, looking at all alternative ways in. But don't make getting in harder than it needs to be. At UTS: INSEARCH, our whole reason for being is to propel students into UTS. We offer...
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    Looking for another way into uni? UWSCollege lets you get in your way.

    With our VIP treatment, we will help you reach your full potential and get the skills you’ll need to succeed. And if you graduate with either a University Foundation Studies award or a Diploma, we’ll reserve you a place at the University of Western Sydney in either first or second year...
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    Free Online HSC Seminar with expert guest speakers! Also, WIN an iPad!

    Zigma Learning is hosting a Free Online HSC Seminar with expert guest speakers! Richard Dimarzo, Former HSC Marker Kasun De Silva, 99.95 ATAR (100 UAI), State Ranker Nadia Perera, 99.90 ATAR, State Ranker We will be revealing highly valuable tips and techniques in approaching...
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    BOS turns 10!

    Bored of Studies celebrates 10th birthday On July 8, 2002, Bored of Studies went live. Created by four 2001 HSC students (James King, Tim Cheng, Ian Keong, Mark Czajkowski) to fill the lack of resources and support for high school students, the site quickly grew into the country's premier...
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    Amazing Business Studies Textbook - "Creative Business Studies"

    Check out the books below. Business Studies can be a lot of fun and as we all know very rewarding too. They are endorsed by some noteworthy academics and authored by Ian Moore who has guided 21 Economics and Business Studies students to finish within the ‘Top Ten’ of the State. This included...
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    Amazing Economics Textbook - "Creative Economics"

    Check out the books below. They makes Economics fun. They are endorsed by some noteworthy academics and authored by Ian Moore who has guided 21 Economics and Business Studies students to finish within the ‘Top Ten’ of the State. This included a number of students who were awarded ‘First in the...
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    Bored of Studies Premium Membership

    Bored of Studies Premium Membership is an exciting offering from the team at Bored of Studies that will enhance and complement your HSC studies at a great value price. Premium Members benefits include: - Access to our database of Premium Resources – Over 120 sets of high quality...
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    Site Redesign Competition ($300 Prize!)

    In the run up to the 10th anniversary of BOS we are doing a design revamp of the Bored of Studies website. We want to give you, the members and users of the website, a real opportunity to provide your input into this process. It is you after all that use the site and are best placed to know...
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    Work opportunity: Update to SAM

    Work opportunity: Update to SAM Bored of Studies is looking for a person to help update its Student Assessment Modeler (SAM). SAM has long been a leading application for calculating Year 12 student's UAIs from their HSC Marks. The successful applicant will: - have knowledge and...
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    Work opportunity: Update to SAM

    Work opportunity: Update to SAM Bored of Studies is looking for a person to help update its Student Assessment Modeler (SAM). SAM has long been a leading application for calculating Year 12 student's UAIs from their HSC Marks. The successful applicant will: - have knowledge and...
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    Is BOS blocked at your school?

    Poll. Does your school's filter block this site? Private school or public? The entire bos domain, or just some pages?
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    The HSC Learning Survey. Win $50 gift cards.

    Participate in this survey about education in Australia. We will read all responses individually, so feel free to be brutally honest or completely anonymous. The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes. The most helpful survey respondent will receive a $50 prepaid VISA gift card for...
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    Attention: General Maths and 2 Unit Maths Students

    Liberation Learning is running their General and 2 Unit Maths seminars soon, to help boost your Maths Results. If you didn't do so great in the Trials, if you want to start preparing for the Final Exams from now or simply need to pick up your performance, the HSC Results Seminars will give...
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    Nervous About Your Final HSC exams?

    Liberation Learning can help! Enrol in the intensive HSC Results Seminars to give you the best study preparation for your final exams in October. These workshop seminars will give you real HSC Results because they are focussed on past paper application practise to build your analytical skill...
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    Care Worker Courses & Nursing Assistant Courses

    Helping to improve quality of life for people in need is a rewarding career choice. Our Community Services Courses will empower you with the skills and knowledge required to provide physical, social and community support to those who find themselves in need of assistance. Certificate III Aged...
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    UTS Open Day 2010

    August 28 is the UTS Open Day. It’s a festival of all things ‘UTS’, and gives you the chance to learn everything you ever wanted to know about university life including careers, courses, campus life, where to get a good meal, listen to live music or who to speak to about that sport or hobby...
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    Use your powers for good by becoming a Roads Engineer

    Today’s superheros are ordinary people with extraordinary abilities. Use your powers for good by becoming a Roads Engineer and you’ll join the elite breed whose incredible feats are changing the world in which we live. Roads Authorities around the world recruit a number of graduates in...
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    Missed the ATAR you need to get into a University business course?

    The International College of Management, Sydney (ICMS) offers a pathway to a Macquarie University Bachelor of Business Management, majoring in Event Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism, Property Management, Retail Management and Sport Management. And at ICMS, they look...
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    Worried about your ATAR results?

    With the HSC now over its important to plan for you future. The road to success is not always straight, so the best way to prepare for success is to be fully aware of your options for 2010. UWSCollege is committed to offering all capable students the opportunity to get a university degree...