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  1. J

    Justice Game Pain

    Module C is by far the worst module for me, and upon that Justice Game is such a intricately detailed book, that I simply cannot comprehend. My teacher is horrible at providing advice on how I should approach creating an essay for and for trials, it was my worst module, being 10/20 when every...
  2. J

    Just a Question about Rankings (will delete when answered)

    Let's say I've been ranked consistenly as top 5 for english adv for all of my assessments, and for trials i was ranked say 20 ... what would my final rank be appoximately?
  3. J

    Has anyone lost hope after your Trial Exams?

    I don't know if it is just me or not, but I was so ready for trials. I wanted to do so well. But the way that English went, and then Biology, I honestly have lost all hope in getting into medicine. I don't want to sound all depressed, but I have actually just given up lol. Anyone else?
  4. J

    Atar Estimate Please (:

    My ranks are horrible compared to everyone else on here, but I just decided to stick it out and tell you guys ^_^ and I posted this previously, but I didn't get many responses :( These are marks are based on the two internal assessments done. I have improved so much more better in the third...
  5. J

    Juicystar's Never-Ending Depression

    I think most of you have realised that when I come on here, I always talk about how bad I'm doing and everything and this is no different. Basically, I tried to my best with all my Assessments for Task 3, and have gotten 19/20 for English, 37/40 for SORII and haven't received anything else. My...
  6. J

    What is the Difference Between Medicine in UNSW and UWS?

    From my research, both UNSW and UWS provide a course for a Bachelor of Medicine Undergraduate. However, the ATAR for UNSW is approximately 97, and UWS is approximately 95 (I think) Whats the difference between them? I just don't understand, because an atar of 97+ is pretty hard, whereas, I...
  7. J

    Half Yearly Depression

    So i will say this upfront, I did not try as much as I could have for my half-yearlies. I wish I did, and I totally regret it, but I can't do anything about that. I already know that I have done miserable. I know it, I have never walked out of an exam and felt so under-confident in myself. I...
  8. J

    ATAR and HSC Rank Help!

    Alright, due to the incompetence of my teachers, no ranks have been given out just yet from our first assessment. We are about to start out half-yearly examinations and I just needed some help. I am doing these subjects; - English Advanced - Studies of Religion (II) - Mathematics - Maths...
  9. J

    Judaism Help! (I know it is in the wrong section, sorry! )

    I honestly don’t know how to write responses for Studies of Religion – Judaism and I was hoping that someone could provide me with any essays or short answer responses to Moses Maimonides, Bioethics and Synagogue Services. I am in desperate need for some sort of help, and your help would...
  10. J

    Are ranks really that important in your ATAR?

    1. Can you still get 99 ATAR is you are not ranked first for your subjects? 2. Do you need to be first in ALL your assessments to get a good ATAR? 3. Can you for instance, be ranked 30/100 in a subject, but in the next assessment, be able to be ranked first? 4. If you messed up your first...
  11. J

    Screwed Up My First Asssessment Already! Please Help!

    Hi Everyone! Long time no talk! Basically, I have been crying for a few days, because I have just failed my first assessment for Chemistry ... I had my heart set out to get ranked number 1 (considering I want a 97 ATAR), and I honestly just failed! My ATAR and HSC is all gone! I will never...
  12. J

    What Subject Should I Drop? Need Advice!

    Heyy! We need to decide on dropping subjects by the end of next week and I am really stressing out! I am currently doing 13 units, and am basically deciding on dropping either Chemistry or Maths Extension. Chemistry has been a major fail for me during preliminary. At first, when I saw the...
  13. J

    Competition with Best Friends and People in Your Cohort?

    Now that yearlies are coming, everyone in my grade are competing with each other to get ranked first. I have a best friend who is incredibly gifted in English to a point where teachers are begging her to take Ext 2 whereas she feels it would be way too much pressure for her. It is not like I...
  14. J

    HSC Ranking, Internal Marks, External Marks etc.

    Alright, so alot of my friends have been wondering about the HSC, since we are starting in about 6 weeks. Everyone is wondering what rankings are, internal marks, external marks, and what other factors play in your ATAR. 1. What are internal marks? 2. What are external marks? 3. What is...
  15. J

    Oh the stresses of a year 11 student

    Guys, I am seriously going through some pain right now. Not only have I left my notes for the last minute, I never realised how much work there was! I am doing, Maths and Math Ext, English Adv, Bio, Chem, CAFS and SOR2. Please provide some ways to make notes for each one, and prepare for each...
  16. J

    How do i get motivationnnn

    dude, yearlies is so close, and i can't get the motivation to start! HOW DO YOU GUYS GET MOTIVATION!
  17. J

    How Long Should I Study Maths?

    I do Maths and Maths Extension 1 and there is one month until yearly exams. Any ideas on how long everynight I shoul study maths?
  18. J

    Not Getting the Marks You Expected?

    Alright, I am pathetic at English, and always have been. But at the beginning of the preliminary year, I tried really hard, and got 100% in both my in-class essays. Just recently, we had a speech, and got our marks back via email tonight, and I went horrible! Not even 50%... The thing with my...
  19. J

    F*cked two of my Chemistry Exams ...

    So I have had to practical exams in Chemistry, AND I HAVE FAILED EVERY ONE OF THEM. I absolutely need chemistry as I really want to get into medicine, so knowing that I have failed my first two assessments has not only made my upset, but is starting to make worried whether I will be able to do...
  20. J

    Do Preliminary Marks go to HSC / Will my ranking affect HSC?

    So, this first term, I haven't as well in my subjects. I have done exams/assessments of 3U Maths, Chemistry, Biology, English Advanced, CAFS and Studies of Religion 2U. Those are ALL of my subjects. And in all honesty, I haven't done as well as I hoped for. Like, I normally get high marks (not...