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  1. J

    Help Me With A Study Timetable?

    Basically, I finally have the holidays to catch on everything and to, get all my notes prepared. I was hoping that some of you would help me decide what I should. I know I should make one depending on what I prefer, but I want some of you guys to put your input :) I currently take Advanced...
  2. J

    I Failed Chemistry Exam :/

    Guys, I just received my Chemistry exam back, and I did not even pass! I tried so hard, and I can't believe that it was so bad! Will this effect my ATAR, my ranking in Preliminary and anything! My main goal was to rank first in it, and I have been crying for about an hour :/ Please Help!
  3. J

    3 Unit Exam Questions! Please Help!

    Hi! I really need help with these two questions! Thankyou!
  4. J

    Workload is overwhelming me!

    Basically, I have had NO time to myself ever since Year 11 started ... Everyday, I get back from school, have some tea, and until 11, i study/do homework. I have an hand in essay for CAFS on Monday, as well as a Chemistry Exam, and I am on the verge of break point. Please help! I am on here...
  5. J

    'A Thousand Splendid Suns' Good Book for AOS - Journey?

    Basically, my teacher suggested this book for our Area of Study, being Journeys. Should I? I have read the book before, but I can't find out how it relates to journey ...? Help!
  6. J

    Organisation Skills / Study Tips / Coping with Stress

    So in case people haven't seen, we can't get into the old threads, and some of the old threads have some good ways to be organised for the next two years. So, I decided we would start a new one! Anyone who has some good organisational skills, study tips or ways of coping with stress could put it...
  7. J

    Dealing with Acne during High School Years?

    Hi Everyone! I was wondering how people are or have struggled with acne during high school. Because although I wouldn't say I have the most brilliant skin, lately, I have been breaking out a whole lot, and it is really getting to my self-esteem :/ So, any suggestions?
  8. J

    Analysing a poem? Please Help!

    Hi Everyone! Hope you guys are doing well :) I am just having some trouble with this poem. I am not sure how to analyse it. Our teacher said to find techniques and all around analyse, and i was hoping some of you will help me :) Always we forget. Life is a journey. I have lived well in this...
  9. J

    What Makeup Do Wear To School/University?

    Just wondering, what do people wear to school, as in makeup? If not, why not? I tend to wear tinted moisturiser, blush and a bit of mascara :) My school is extremely strict with makeup, teachers hold makeup wipes with them, and give it to anyone who they think have makeup on :/ What about you?
  10. J

    Is Having A Boyfriend In High School Really Necessary?

    So, everyone at my school are getting boyfriends, and you know, they are always being cute and everything. People now think that because I don't have a boyfriend, that I am ugly or not attractive :/ The thing is that I go to an all girl's schol, so meeting guys is really hard and yeah, i am...