If he can't find a decent example in a modern society where an economy decides to abandon welfare, that should be sufficient reason for the policy to be labelled idealistic and it should provide sufficient evidence for the fact that people don't want a system without welfare. In fact even with...
Despite the existence of the ideology for a long period of time there has been no established economy with the will to implement that ideology. Does that not say something about people's attitude towards that ideology? Paradoxically the ideology argues for people's freedom and...
Yes I totally agree. SBS shows real news and current affairs, not some irrelevant stories about celebrities and rescuing pets or comparing soap powders and busting conmen. It shows real movies, not mainstream blockbusters and chickflicks, real documentaries rather than degenerate reality TV. And...
Who watches commercial channels anyway? BRAINLESS PEOPLE WHO DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE. SBS (and to a lesser extent ABC) provide real insights into our world. That is the point of funding media - to offset the social damage created by right-winged commercial crap infesting people's minds. They're...
It's probably not as bad in fairly secular countries like Australia, but in more religious countries such as the US atheists are generally regarded as the most untrustworthy of all minorities (worse than homosexuals and muslims).
That's actually not true. It's the other way around cos there are more theists in the world than atheists. As a consequence atheists are basically ineligible for the upper levels of politics.
Well I don't see anything wrong with holding views inconsistent with any particular ideology.
Ideologies categorise people's values and worldviews. They're not meant to be entire sets of ideas one must ascribe to in order to be credible.
i don't think this discussion is worthwhile but all statements can be arguments for something, and those arguments can be substantiated by further statements which act as arguments by themselves. In this context, "marriage isn't a right" and "gays don't need it" are both arguments for the...