hey guys, just after a bit of caffeine advice
in the last 7 weeks of school, i've finsihed 2 and a half boxes of caffeine pills (60 x 100mg of caffeine)
in that time ive built up a tolerance to caffeine, and not having any has impaired by studying greatly (i trialed a week without caffeine, i...
tell me if u find out bout nething i rly want to go aswell :)
i had a look on the UNSW Engineering site.. it said the open day is some time in november for highschools <a href="http://www.eng.unsw.edu.au/news/index.htm#events">here</a>
yeah :(
i was always keen on civil enginnering (runs in the family), but mining looked more profitable.
what will be the most money earning major of engineering in the next 10 years?
Re: wat u guys plannin 2 do afta hsc
im aiming for a low 90 UAI (thou i'm only expecting something in the mid 80's)
I really want to get into Civil/Mining Engineering course @ UNSW
... but of course immediately after HSC PARTY PARTY PARTY!!!
our schools recommends buying the syllabus dot point books for each subject, has questions relating to each point, which i imagine would be helpful when the hardcore studying gets into gear