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  1. R


    oo yes we need to do a petition for all those great shows we grew up with....especially The Didnt like rocko's, or cat dog that sorta stuff. Pissed me off Last year I saw an ep of Arthur was on tv, and i was too embarrashed to keep it on lol. But i still listen to peter combe -...
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    Round The Twist

    I loved this show...but it was creepy in parts of course. There was a ep I saw on dvd recently where I just couldnt stand i think Pete was like ..yeah the one where he's burping all the time. Now I am a nurse but there is a limit to the amount of bodily noises one can tolerate lol I was...
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    Sunburn :(

    Well naturally you can go to kmart or whatever leading up to summer, and they sell swim suits that have uv protection for kids.
  4. R

    Are then any excluding criteria for Youth Allowance?

    go and have a look for the info yourself! Or wait in line for centrelink...
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    Brendan Nelson quits politics

    Thank god, another wanker gone from the liberals! YAY!! Ive always thought of nelson as a weakling and a dick, especially after he tried to bring in higher uni fees Saying that, i am not like a political supporter, i just think that the liberals were rulling for like ages and yet what did they...
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    Ladette to Lady

    And these will be the type of people that many years from now I will have to look after and endure their alcohol withdrawal and hear them bitch about thier liver etc fucking up on them Amusing in some parts but gee whiz that certainly proves the point that overseas pple think we are obnoxious...
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    Spicks and Specks VS. Good News Week

    Id say GNW coz i know very little about the music that spicks talks about..its more for the older generation id say...... But yes adam hills is hot lol. Subsitute is hilrarious But yeah GNW for me....Paul is omg so dreamy! he's cute too in person hehe
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    Ladette to Lady

    Starts tonight!!! WOOOOOOOO I have to say that if its a show about etiquetee, that lady with the weird buck teeth, youd think she would get her teeth corrected considering she's telling ladettes how to act and make themselves look decent Cant wait for the show..let us aussies show the brits...
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    Sunburn :(

    Dont put ice packs on a bad sunburn coz the very cold temp will do a lot of damage Just stay inside for a few days, drink plenty of water, lather up with stacks of aloe and learn to wear sunscreen when your out, put it on every 2-4 hrs depending on what your doing. I have been badly burnt and...
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    What TV show from now or the past would you like to see revived/remade years from now

    Re: What TV show from now or the past would you like to see revived/remade years from lol yeah well when my bro went though it he said that at home it looks easy but when you get in there its not so easy lol.
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    'Thank God You're Here' defects to Channel 7.

    hehe I liked the one where Josh was the dog whisper..that border collie sure was a comedian in its own right hehe. Franks skits are funny. heheh i like that group challenge where he was 'kicked in the head by the horse' lmao. Ooo and shaun mcallef hehe 'well my name is tina also' LMAO
  12. R

    Which has been the best decade for music?

    late 80s and early 90s hehe the songs that we all secretly love but dont admit to it now coz its like 'so old'
  13. R

    Hair colouring mishaps

    Back in June last year I decided to get foils in my hair. Now I have black hair so it took a toner and colour to get the colour. It was kinda a blondy-gold colour which was ok at first but eventually looked strange. I let it grow out coz it was expensive to get a half head of foils. Then last...
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    Which famous person(s) have you seen/met?

    Ive met a fair few comedians: lano and woodley, carl barron, wil anderson, paul mcdermott (droolssss), gina riley, walked past akmal, seen hamish and andy, adam um that gay bald guy (he's cute and funny), corinne grant, michael chamberlain, glenn robbins, wayne hope, um scott from...
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    'Thank God You're Here' defects to Channel 7.

    TGYH started in like 2005 or 06, coz i remember watching it religiously coz of Frank woodley lol. And um cant remember what season....oh hang on it was 2006 when they started teh series coz i remember shane asking frank what the goodbye tour was like. I hate Tom Gliesner..he acts so weird and...
  16. R

    What TV show from now or the past would you like to see revived/remade years from now

    Re: What TV show from now or the past would you like to see revived/remade years from My brother went on Amazing. Won a few cds and other stuff lol. Was a great show! Us kids would set up mazes and stuff in our rooms lol. I d like to see Now YOu See It..loved it...Why dont they make great kids...
  17. R

    Friends: favorites

    hehe yeah I love friends!! Now have all the dvds. I love to many bits in the series, its too hard. Fav characters would be defintely Chandler and Phoebe hehe those 2 shouldve gotten married rather than OCD monica.... Love that pinochio thing that was funny. Um The bit where Ross and Racheal...
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    Victorian bushfires

    Australia is certainly living up to that poem...a land of flooding plains etc etc I want to donate a whole lot of clothes and tolietries etc to someone in need. If any of you victorians know anyone who could benefit, please PM me. My clothes are a size 14. I dont get to wear them but I feel...
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    Newstart- anyone received it?

    I was on newstart very briefly, when i finished uni and was wating to start my grad program. Its more money than Youth Allowance which was good. They make you find emplioyers etc but since i had a job, i didnt have to do it.
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    girl's tummy

    You wont get a flat stomach by doing abs unless you cut your food intake coz ab works dont burn fat, they just tone ur muscles. U bloat after eating coz you are filling your stomach and so naturally the pressure makes you look 'fat'. Look at what you are eating, eg fibre stuff makes you get...