Search results

  1. R

    lemon detox diet?

    Someone at work did it and lost 7kg. As anurse, id be careful about it, coz yes its hard to not crave solid foods. And most of what you lsoe would be water and stuff like that. lol get glycoprep if you want to detox..that stuff will give you th runs for sure!!!!
  2. R

    For those shortsighted

    lol dont worry i had an operation to fix it. Didnt think the flashes and stuff were anything...just like when you stand up too quick etc! Turns out i was wrong. Stupid hypercondria didnt pick up on that sign lol Its just a risk you have when you get more and more short sighted, coz your eye...
  3. R

    boxing day sales

    I went to Sunshine Plaza up here on the sunshine coast and we got there at 8.15 and wandered around. Mad rush of course for Myer etc. Got 2 pairs of pants from Giorando for $30 each (really needed pants lol), a diary, mini food processor, sandwich maker for $25!, um electric toothbrush...
  4. R

    Laser Eye Surgery

    I had been considering it till i had the retinal tear. Someone said that once you have the sclearal buckle in, you cant get that eye operated on. others have said maybe. then again you have to consider the fact that when you get to 40, your eye sight naturally deterorates so it may not always...
  5. R

    For those shortsighted

    lol i have no bloody idea!! Never been in hospital except for the past 2 yrs and thats only day surgery stuff, but yeah..would only ever get the odd cold and stuff.....mother nature is dealing me the bad cards lately. I am about -8.75 in the left, and -7.5 or so in the right eye. My glasses are...
  6. R

    the pill

    I may have endometrious... I went in for a colonscopy today coz the past 6wks ive been having abdo cramps adn stuff...totally not period pain. The test showed that i have partial inflammation and the colorectal guy says i may have endo...god i hope not! howerver, I had a pelvic ultrasound and...
  7. R

    For those shortsighted

    I am very short sighted!! To the point where one of my retinas tore due to the length of my eyeball. And as a result of the buckle put in, im more short sighted in the left eye. I have tried wearing contacts for a while then got dry eyes and lazy with putting them in. Need to get a new script...
  8. R

    Anyone working on the upcoming public holidays?

    Ill be going up to the sunshine coast after work..getting the late arvo train. Shouldnt be to bad.
  9. R

    Anyone working on the upcoming public holidays?

    Im working Christmas eve, christmas day and then a few days off. As a new graduate i was told that we expect to do the xmas shift which is fine by me. I would have prefered to work new years rather than xmas but oh well. As usual i will be just cleaning up poo and wee and shit like that...oh...
  10. R


    I have come to Melbourne for my 2nd visit, and have gone on the Penguin tour and Great ocean Road. Me coming from Brisbane where we've had a few weeks of storms and heat waves, only brought with me a light jumper, coz the forecast said Melb was meant to be fine, but cooler than Brisbane. So I...
  11. R

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Im a registered nurse at a private hospital. I get base rate $24.59.. plus a few more dollars if i do evening shifts....more for weekends etc etc. Can kill your social life! And kill you eventually with burn out stress etc. But its rewarding when you get those grateful patients. Hate the days...
  12. R

    How much does Sizzler pay?

    lol yes it still exists here in Qld. They had some sizzler card running since October last year but then that went to shits for some reason..its not like they give us free meals! Only on bdays!! Dont know why it didnt work but anyway. Hm after that rat pellet poisoning thing last year or...
  13. R

    New Zealand - contiki?

    I went to the Brisbane backpackers expo today and there was a NZ couple there who told me that if you are going to milford sound, you should increase your vitamin b intake as the sandflies are nasty over there.
  14. R

    do NOT ever think about eating smoked tuna

    I hate smoked tuna as that john west one...ewwww the smell is revolting I love teh sweetcorn and mustard one!
  15. R

    Operation recovery time?

    simple solution...screw your dad and get your teeth out later...u dont want to have to be worrying about your teeth at schoolies
  16. R

    Operation recovery time?

    it varies from person to person. For me, my prob was overdose on maxalon....teeth were fine. u get a special ice pk for ur face for a few days...much easier to use han frozen peas lol. if u take it eay u should be fine to eat properly in a wk. definately do not go to schoolies---u will ruin...
  17. R


    u complete a renewal form and put ur old passport number and prob show that. or go to births deaths and marrages office and give them id and tell them u need ur birth cert asap to get ur ppassport renewed asap. They will normally give you a copy on the spot or in a few hours as long as you...
  18. R

    cold/flu in summer

    nah im out of school and uni...its weird feeling to not be having to worry about stressing over exams etc. I guess im just one of those pple who get sick easily. I did however spend one exam in August 2 yrs ago coughing and sneezing a big lecture theatre....not good.
  19. R

    cold/flu in summer

    Who hear tends to get colds and flus during the non flu season?? I had a big one in january this year where i had to go to hospital. Ive had a sore throat since monday nad yesterday i woke up feeling like shit. Manged to sleep for 3hrs in the arvo and then 12 overnight. Prob the antihistamine...
  20. R

    sleeping after eating

    You burn more calories sleeping coz your body is working hard to repair itself and stuff like that. Dont eat carbs soon before bed coz then they get digested while your stomach should be resting and thus you cant sleep.