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  1. R

    Good Aussie movies

    The worst aussie movie by far is Boytown.....omg that fucking sucks!!!!!
  2. R

    Are you getting into shape for summer?

    As some of you may know, I'm doing the 12 week challenge at the gym. So far its paying off which is great. It started on the 22nd August, and I was 85.5kg then, today before my work out I was 83.6kg with shoes on, which means Im 82.9kg!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lol. I dont know if its from working...
  3. R

    Wisdom teeth suck!

    yeah i left mine in for a lot longer than needed, mainly coz they hadnt been causing much pain for most of the time. And as a result my teeth are now out of alignment and I will need braces as a result. I would recommend taht you get them out under a general. That way you only have to worry...
  4. R

    Spider/dark purple lines

    Ive noticed that at times, i get really dark purple veiny things on my stomach, the part that is all hiden with fat. Im worried that when i get rid of the stomach fat, teh marks will be there still. Is it stretch marks or spider veins, coz its wriggly kinda thing, not red/pink lines i have on...
  5. R

    Wisdom teeth suck!

    ewww thats revolting!! Are no HAVE you been washing out your mouth after every meal with salty water? Thats meant to have kept the infection at bay. No wonder your miserable!!! hehe happy drugs are good things
  6. R

    Wisdom teeth suck!

    Gee something must be up if you still havent recovered, after 10days!! Especially the swelling!! I really hope that it goes away really soon for you so you can eat. You can only have so much soup and crap like that.
  7. R

    Wisdom teeth suck!

    I had mine out a year ago and I didnt need the packs fro very long. My main problem was the maxalon overdose, and resultant fits and tongue hanging out soooo much i was clamping down so hard to try and keep it in, with no avail till mum called 2 days later and i spent the night in the ER. Still...
  8. R

    Personal trainers

    I went to the gym yesterday for a PT session and Ive lost my first kg!! Now down to 84.1kg instead of 85.3kg i was at the beginning of last week. Wooo!! And the thing is, i havent been eating like i should or exercising very frequently! So im just hoping that i have really lost that kg. My PT...
  9. R

    the pill

    If you are getting bleeding whilst taking the active pills, stop the active ones and let it bleed and then start the active ones. I found that out recently when i went to my specialist and she said that once you get a proper bleed, even when taking the active ones, your meant to stop taking it...
  10. R

    Nursing '09

    I will be doing hopefully my midwifery degree next year. Going to do it through ACU, they have really good reputation when it comes to midwifery
  11. R

    Favourite airline?

    Whats pacific blue like? Am flying with them to Christchurch in November and back with them from Auckland in December Ive never flown outside of Oz, do you go through customs first and then check in your baggage or what? How about coming back into the country, coz you see pple with their gear...
  12. R

    Brazilian wax anyone?

    how much can it grow in a month? Maybe get it done while you are there, somethng to remember lol. I would never do it myself, the only way id do it is if i was drunk! I dont think i could stand the pain!!! Ive tried shaving and it just itches like crazy!! So cant imagine waxing!
  13. R

    Healthy food to pack for work

    How about if your doing night shift? Im doing my first one now at a hospital and its quiet. Had some lasagne before coming and then left the rest of my food on the bench god dam it! Oh well, got lollies and jellybeans to get me through the rest of the shift. Dont want something heavy, coz i know...
  14. R

    Personal trainers

    oo really? cool. I no i NEED to lose weight particularly around my stomach and arse. that was the whole point of doing PT. So to lose more weight as in fat, i should do cardio right? I dont want to be to toned as like i have bulging muscles...that in women is revolting.
  15. R

    Fraser Island Tour

    there are heaps of cheaper day and overnight tours run for budget conscious/backpackers that are pretty good. Just check out tourismqld website.
  16. R

    Personal trainers

    Well its been 3 weeks since I started PT. I can now do lunges with 6kg weights, leg press 100kg and am getting less and less sore with every session. At the start, i coudlnt do any lunges without falling over, but now i can! So proud of myself lol. And yesterday i went for a remedial...
  17. R

    Personal trainers

    Yeah ive subscribed to the womens health magazine,a dn when im not dead tired from shiftwork i will read them. I intend to do a pilates class this week if they have one either tmw or fri morning, otherwise ill go next wk. I am getting stronger with each session which is great, managed to do...
  18. R

    2008 tax return thread

    I got mine back in a week as well. $2400. Half has already gone lol.
  19. R

    Personal trainers

    Its definately a motivation issue at the moment. I am so lazy lol. I managed to do a body jam class today. Fuck i am sooooo unco lol. My hips etc are aching coz it was a lot of side stepping etc and im not used to it. But it was good. I am doing well watching my eating whcih is good...
  20. R

    2008 tax return thread

    I did mine last Monday and am hoping for a speedy return. They estimate about $2300, half will go and pay off the overlimit amounts on my credit cards and the rest will pay medical bills. Any left over will be put to my trip to Sydney and NZ. What i found strange was the health insurance...