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  1. R

    the pill

    Stopping and starting it really mucks up your hormones, as ive experienced lately. Kept spotting and taking the normal ones and then got a heavy bleed and tried the normal ones but not stopping it, and so have to get primulot to stop them for 10days, get an ultrasound tmw (man i cant hold 600ml...
  2. R

    panick (?) symptoms

    18 tablets? OMFG no wonder you went crazy..what did you expect? lucky to live through it...the strain you'd have put on your heart alone! hMmm mate it certainly to me sounds like a panic attack. They arent nice are they? i had one recently...never had one b4 and they are horrible. Get...
  3. R

    Doctors-dodgy ones

    wooo thats pretty scary. The perio op grad coordinator was saying that when she started out, she saw a top notch surgeon who had all the attitude etc, scratching his arse in the middle of surgery and told him off and he had to go and scrub up again. The toe looks really strange, and the...
  4. R

    drinking water

    I hardly drink anything, coz I pee very often. I have been tested for diabetes but that was a no, thank god. But i do try and remind myself to have a few mouthfuls from time to time, especially when im at work, I will just take a breather and jsut have a few mouthfulls of water. If you drink...
  5. R

    'Friends' TV Show

    i LOVE friends too!! I have season 6-9 on dvd, and have the rest on layby, just got to find i think 10...or one of them anyway. My fav ep out of the ones i have, is prob The one with the engagement picture and the one where chandler is scared of dogs. hehehe clasic!! I lovvvveeeeee chandler...
  6. R

    I have some sickness, halp!!

    cold legs could just be your bloodgoing to your brain and heart rather than your extremeties so yeah. that may explain it. prob was a bit of gastro or food poisoning, coz thats caused by different bugs and different strains etc etc. so you may have gotten a bad one that other time but this...
  7. R

    Doctors-dodgy ones

    Hm not all nurses are dodgy...some old ones are...including a bitch at work who on my 2nd night back, she had finsihed her work and i was full on flat out, and she wouldnt help andi nearly screamed at her. Hm well my toe had to get 3 lots of antibiotics in the end...starting from the beginning...
  8. R

    Doctors-dodgy ones

    Wow 6 wks for a hip replacement...poor guy. Most hip replacement patients stay in our ward for like 10 days.. Thats great your family didnt need to pay for that. I went to a GP today coz centrelink dont take general certificates and the GP said that it didnt look good, and to see my regular GP...
  9. R

    How long does it take you to gain weight?

    I used to be really skinny, im 163cm and in 01 i weighed 55kg. Oh how i wish i was that now! I am now 82.2kg....need to lose 20kg by mid next year..want to lose that by this year though...but as long as i can fit into pants properly im fine. Its better to bulk up in terms of muscle, not fat...
  10. R

    Doctors-dodgy ones

    Really? Cool, wish i knew that last year when i had a health care card. My gynae was a no gap doc, hence why i picked her from a list last year when i knew i was going to have to see a specialist..didnt want to go back to the one i had in 06, who didnt care that i had bad complications. I wish...
  11. R

    Doctors-dodgy ones

    Yeah well i have to see a gp anyway to get teh stitches out. I just went to this surgeon coz thats who another gp refereed me to, coz i could have gone to the gp or podiatrist and get more nail removed and more and more and more till i have none, or jus get the nail bed removed on both sides. so...
  12. R

    Independent Traveller!

    hehe i know how to say hello how are you, goodbye and who farted in catonese, thanks to Carl Barron hahaha. I had the dvd on one day and my flatmates are chinese and they laughed at it and said its catonese not mandarin but its prtty similar. Dont know how to spell it though lol
  13. R


    choc bread? ewww lol.
  14. R


    ah..think ive heard of people putting banana in it...makes it a bit bland though. Do you have yours with milk or water? I have to have it with milk, gives it that creamy taste. And with 3 sugars...otherwise yuck!!
  15. R

    Doctors-dodgy ones

    ok yes i knwo this is another liz has a problem but hey i want your opinion. I had surgery on Wednesday to remove the nail bed on both sides of my left toe coz its always ingrown. Now i was warned that it would be more painful than the other surgeries but still. I have been hobbling around...
  16. R


    THe thing ive heard about teaching over in teh UK though is that most teachers get the really really bad schools ....but of course some schools are good. Just thought i might give you that tip.
  17. R

    What should i eat/do to reduce the wrinkles/dry skin

    Sun exposeure is the main cause of wrinkles, hence why more and more young people are getting wrinkles earlier coz they think its cool. And yeah it looks yujck and your bound to get skin cancer and thus scars. Drink heaps, moisturise with ones for sensitive skin. dont use those bar soaps..use...
  18. R


    I am not a cunt thank you very much you shit. Mine are autally like red marks. But hey thats what happens your life is shit and you emotional eat and get fat. Suprisingly, even though im doing nothingfor the past 4 wks apart from lying on my reclier coz of my eye op, and even though ive eaten...
  19. R


    Yes i am. I think i have stretch marks from being fat around the middle. Well i have -shamefully-3 rolls of fat on my stomach and there are like red lines. Im just hoping they are lines from pressure but yeah.... Once i can get back tot he gym im going to try and lose them. But hey im not...
  20. R


    ha ipswich has a Uni of Qld campus...not to be confused with Qld uni of technolog..though for some stuffed up reason, UQ is often called Qld uni which confuses people so much. hehe yes coz of the creative industries, we do have games facilities