Search results

  1. R

    Personal trainers

    I started going back to the gym a few weeks ago after a long absense due to the eye op and being lazy. I saw the PT in the gym with another girl, who i had done a few PT sessions with when i got my gym membership for free sessions and i thought it would be good to do a few more Now ive gotten...
  2. R

    Fat burning foods?

    Cinnamon is meant to help u lose weight. BTW do you think its unreasonable to spend $100 a week on personal training when it means that i wil learn the way to lose weight and strengthn up my body and get fit? Sure its a lot but i will only be doing 5 wks. Mum says its exy but she spent heaps...
  3. R


    exactly what i was thinking.!!! It had gone down after day 3 to mild pain, but now since last night its gone up again and is far more painful than it was,..this time more stabbing. Normally leading up to a period i get mild cramping pain on the right side a few days before i get a period and...
  4. R


    Well i wasted another $150 to be told that it was only ovulation pain. I didnt know that you could get ovulation pain either. I think its called something beginning with m, and its a german word. I only knew that you can get PMS pain, and i know that im not due for a period yet, and...
  5. R


    Do any of you get constant stabbing pain in the lower abdo when you are ovulating? Coz since early Monday morning ive had constant pain in the region. I know its too early to ovulate coz my cycle is all over the place at the moment, and the pain is like right next to the hip bone, not in the...
  6. R

    Your favourite Tv show host

    oo yes adam hills and paul mcdermott are definately my favourites!!
  7. R

    Big Brother 2008

    So glad that its being axed, its a crap show, used to be ok, but no w its utter crap. I dont watch it really.....only when nothing is on the box....
  8. R

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    I just got myself a new makeover. Went to Stefans and got the foil package. Coz my hair is naturally really dark brown, i had to pay extra to get it lightened and then foiled. Got a chestnut brown colour and while its only 11 foils (she gave me an extra one), its not much colour but its enough...
  9. R

    tax time!!

    Yes my regular money is going to put into my ING direct account. I wish i could put the whole lot away but yeah, cant do that when i have bad credit.
  10. R

    midwifery (if thats how you spell it)

    Do NOT do just midwifery coz otherwise as others have said, you are restricted, and most employers would get pple who hav done nursing ANd midi. Just do a double degree in nursing and mid, coz then you have all the clinical skills that are going to be very vital. You need to learn how to do...
  11. R

    tax time!!

    So what does everyone expect to spend their refund on this year? I expect to hopefully get a few 1000 back..not sure hw that works but this is the first time that ive had a ful time job. I will pay off the outstanding amounts on my credit cards, and then pay off my medical expenses. That way i...
  12. R

    World Youth Day

    Just wondering if any of you know why there were so many WYD people in Brisbane today...i thought it was odd that so many were up here when its down in Sydney soon. Most of them were german too i think.... do u hve to pay to go?
  13. R

    Wearing contacts!

    Is it only me or do some girls here find certain guys look very sexy with glasses? My physio is good looking, and sadly already taken, but today he was wearing glasses and he said that he normally wears contacts, and i walked into the room and nearly had my knees buckle, coz a they were sore...
  14. R

    What are you allergic to?

    What happens jules if you have morphine? That rules out most strong pain tablets for you, like endone and MS contin. I cant handle kiwi irriates my skin so much and the itchiness drives me insane. Talking about fears,..when i go to the theatre, i have to have a seat near the end...
  15. R

    Backpaking ay??

    Some of the tours are good. Contiki have a 40day camping european tour whcih is about $3000 whcih is good. but would you realy want to be camping in tents for 40 days?? Otherwise their like 14day tours are from $5000 depending of course on where you go. IM going to NZ in November and...
  16. R

    the pill

    IUDs as far as i know are put in under a general. At work when i was doing a pre op shift, there were several girls having a mareva put in and they were out completley. My first op i had, to remove a polyp, the doc had written in the item numers that it was the same as removing a IUD>....
  17. R


    oo yes hehe the lady thougt i was from ireland, coz i asked for the beetroot dip and yeah...but no im not from Ireland lol. .but my pop was. Take plenty of winter gear but also some shirts and shorts...coz it can change so much.
  18. R

    Wearing contacts!

    In 2006 I wore them for the first time. It took me 6 visits to the optometrist to get one contact in my eye coz i had a real fear of putting them in my eye, but then wanted clearer vision since my eyes are shithouse. But then I started getting dry eyes without even wearing contacts and so i...
  19. R


    The Queen Vic markets are open Thurs arvo i think to sunday....just check the webiste....great market, and go to the top of hte markets and there is a spanish donut stall and they are so nice,...very long stringy donut for only $1!!
  20. R

    Travelling - Money Questions

    I am goin to NZ in November this year. I definately need to save up money pronto. Got cheap airfare to Christchurch $200 including tax, so thats good. Havent booked my ticket back yet, coz im not sure if I will get time to do both islands. Definately want to go to Milford sound.