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  1. R


    Who here loves the stuff? I do but I have to have it with sugar, hate it plain, and i have to get the quick oats one. Glad i had it today coz even at midday it was rather cool...and yet the other day it was like 29degrees, and now its like 17
  2. R

    removing a mole

    Getting a local anaesthetic injected certainly is very very painful. Ive had several ingrown toenail ops and ive nearly hit the rof when they stick the local in. Go to your local gp. If your in Brisbane, Newmarket 7 day medical centre have a skin cancer clinic and they can like remove any...
  3. R

    Who pays board?

    I had to give all my centrelink to mum when i was in high school...about 200 a wk or so, dont know how much i got paid then but it wasnt much. That was forevertyhing, whcih isnt much when you have a family of 5 and the youngest, my sister gets mroe than anyone else.. When I homestayed, i was...
  4. R

    Liberal party leadership speculation (already)

    Isnt it hilarious that a few years ago the Labour party were having this same problem?? But then again the pollies on that side were kinda some regards eg latham was entertaining.
  5. R

    Teen kills her baby so she could go party **ONLY IN AMERICA**

    Gee whiz poor baby! Why didnt she just think hey if i put the bub up for adoption then I can go out and party and be a free woman,...or i could kil the baby and go to jail for the rest of my life where it will be one big party.. Stupid brain she has.
  6. R


    eww thats revolting. I wonder if she's goin to use it...what a stupid idiot. she'd be more of an idiot if she stole it and shoved it up there thinking she'd use it again...i want to throw up!
  7. R

    What are you allergic to?

    thats strange! What happens? Its strange that some people will confuse adverse reaction to an actual allergy.
  8. R


    Ahh..i think given that sydney hosts the mardi gras, sydney would be poof central!! I love Melbourne better than Sydney!! much more interesting stuff to do and cheaper than Sydney. They actually had a thing about it in the news a few months ago or so saying that Tourism NSW are doing urgent...
  9. R

    Sleeping TIME???

    Yeah i do that too, otherwise i cant sleep properly. Man i hated being tired at uni, esp during boring lectures lol. I remember back in my education degree days, we were doing dance curriculum (shudders) and we didnt have tables, just chairs in a circle and i nearly fell off the chair several...
  10. R

    ~~~»``vodka + Milk!!! ``«~~~

    haha did they get that idea from Danny Bhoy? Coz in his dvd he talks about us aussies getting hammered and how we end up at peoples places with spirits but no mixer, and one time someone says to try chocolate milk and vodka hahaahhahaha
  11. R

    Sleeping TIME???

    AT the moment while im home on forced sick leave (3 wks to today), I have been sleeping from midnight to midnight, just coz im bored. My sleep patterns depend on shifts. IF im doing a late, and then a late the next day, ill sleep maybe after 1am and get up at 10am.....If i have a late and then...
  12. R


    Wow that the hell would she not know!! Did she get sick, coz leaving it in that long would be bound to make her sick...gee whzi they tell you not to sleep in them or wear them longer than 8hrs but 5 DAYS!!! That wouldve sucked only having one bin...I hate when you go out and they...
  13. R

    Who Excercies with Nunchucks?

    haha what do you expect would happen if you hit yourself with those??!! hm i had a big lump from a bad fall up some stairs and it took ages for the lump to go...i it all varies from person to person and what exactly was injured.
  14. R


    Most hymens get broken the first time a girl has a period. As for the smell, it could be dependent on your hygeine but most girls when they get their periods are more attentive to hygiene. For me I have the pad there for protection...dont really let the tampon get ful to teh stage of needing to...
  15. R


    Just go back to the doctor and explain your situation and that you are a person who wants to know more detail.
  16. R

    Boots in the Rain

    Or you could do a kath and kim and use velcro dots lol...well if you were walking down carpet but then in that case, there is less chance of you slipping anyway wouldnt there..never got that gag on the show but oh well.
  17. R

    Boots in the Rain

    haha even walking around in thongs on those slippery tiles is dangerous, let alone if your wearing stilettos. Funny being at uni when its been raining and seein girls walking around bare foot coz they, including me, dont want to go arse up in front of the cute guys. Go to a shoe repair store...
  18. R

    your current favourite song

    i love rihanna's song dont stop the catchy lol
  19. R

    Old skool kids shows!!

    When i get time i will go through all the pages and pick shows i loved. Not sure if i have replied to this before but anyway. I HATED scared the crap out of me! ...the yip yips scared me as well lol. Loved genie from down under, ..... Ship to got the tune in my...
  20. R

    Your utopia.

    They had a thing about the united emirates how they are building a 800m tall building...gee whiz..and there are plans for a 1km plus building by japan....Interesting what greed and guts and billions can do. Id love to go to: Canada (want to se the rockies and all the scenery) Europe esp...