Search results

  1. BLIT2014

    Feedback on ACCG200?

    ACCG200 Thanks :)
  2. BLIT2014

    First Day of Year 12

    How was everyone's first day of year 12?
  3. BLIT2014

    October 13 2015 Data retention and the end of Australians' digital privacy

    The digital privacy of Australians ends from Tuesday, October 13. So, the fact that you visited a porn site or infidelity site Ashley Madison or 'jihadi' content sites, may in effect be discoverable without the need for a warrant. On that day this country's entire communications industry...
  4. BLIT2014

    What is the Strategic Negotiation Framework? Thank you :)

    Is it that same thing as the Industrial Relations Framework (E.g is it to do with the Fair Work Act 2009) ~ Cheers, Blit
  5. BLIT2014

    Limit question- Fairly easy?

    Thank you :)
  6. BLIT2014

    MQ Open day 2015- 12th September

    A little :snowman: told me that Macquarie Universities open day was soon.(Well its kinda hard to ignore when you walk into uni and the signs are right there ;) ) It is on Saturday 12th September 2015 10am-4pm Check out this link for all the cool stuff available to do on the day :spzz...
  7. BLIT2014

    Seeking Year 11 Mathematics Pastpapers

    Topic Tests on Year 11 topics Differential calculus/past papers with heaps of questions on this would be much appreciated. Please send them to
  8. BLIT2014

    Looking for feedback on some 300 level commerce electives

    Ease/number of tutorials/contact hours/similarities to previous or other subjects. Thank you. • ACCG - Accounting and Financial Management o ACCG326 - International Financial Accounting o ACCG330 - Strategic Management Accounting o ACCG350 - Financial Statement Analysis o...
  9. BLIT2014

    Highest level of mathematics needed to be taken to become a high school teacher?

    For becoming a Mathematics teacher. Many thanks, Blit
  10. BLIT2014

    Blit's guide to writing Related Text/Prescribed text Notes for English

    1. Look at the outline on the Module Elective 1: Representing People and Politics In this elective, students explore and evaluate various representations of people and politics in their prescribed text and other related texts of their own choosing. They consider the ways in which texts...
  11. BLIT2014

    How do I combine 2 fields in Microsoft Access

    As a query? ItemID Brand Description Quantity StoreId 106 103 920 103 199 I'd like to add 920+199 and have only one entry for 103
  12. BLIT2014

    Hypothesis tests-stats

  13. BLIT2014

    Official HSC 2015 Examination Dates

    Post any subjects we don't have yet :) English Adv 1 – 12/10 10:20 AM Jap Beginners- 12/10 2:00 PM English Adv 2 – 13/10 09:25 AM Music 1 - 13/10 1.35pm Music 2 - 13/10 Dance - 14/10 Society and Culture – 14/10 Engineering Studies -14/10 Ancient history-...
  14. BLIT2014

    Help me find some CSR examples for some scenarios.

    Thank you. I was wondering if people knew any examples where a business went bankrupt due to pursuing corporate social responsibility? Or a business experiencing declining profits due to being boycotted due to to not pursuiting csr or being socially/ethically irresponsible. Please...
  15. BLIT2014

    Recommend me a Camera.

    Budget 1-1.5k First time purchasing an really good camera (but have used good quality camera's in the past)
  16. BLIT2014

    Seeking 2014/15 pastpapers

    Looking to trade. PM me if interested. Thank you.
  17. BLIT2014

    Viewing ebooks on Pearson australia website?

    I can't find the place to view PDF component of my textbook only the quizzes :mad3:
  18. BLIT2014

    Report for human resources

    Whats the question? Or area of HR?
  19. BLIT2014

    Downloading Minitab/ILab/Vmaware

    Anyone have the direct link? as it keeps telling me I have denied access when I search for it..:chainsaw2: Thank you :)