Search results

  1. BLIT2014

    How do I apply for a UAC pin?

    Thank you :)
  2. BLIT2014

    Survey- Impact of mathematical education on answering simple Mathematics questions

    Hi ;) I'm currently researching into the impacts of Mathematical education on answering relatively simple mathematical based questions. Would anyone mind answering the surveys/and making any suggestions? Thank you :)
  3. BLIT2014

    HELP ASAP- What is a credit in the pimrary income component of Aus Current Account?

    Balance of payments Thank you
  4. BLIT2014

    Related Texts ~ Can I do two novels as a related to relate to a "Birthday Letters'

    a poem anthology ? Thank you in advanced, or do they have to be separate text types?
  5. BLIT2014

    Sequencing tool and Scheduling Tools

    My textbook says a Gantt Chart is an example of a sequencing tool; and that Critical path analysis is an example of scheduling tool. However someone mentioned that another textbook said something different? :mad3: Thank you ;)
  6. BLIT2014

    Wanting to believe in a religious/spiritual etc but not at all?

    Does any one who is staunch atheist ever 'strongly' wishes to believe in a higher deity or supernatural force which is for the greater good? Please satisfy my curiosity. Thank you
  7. BLIT2014

    How many pages for a 10 marker in economics?

    Should I be doing 2 pages? Thank you
  8. BLIT2014

    Craziest/random/wierd things that you have seen happen at school?

    I'll start: I once saw someone run past my classroom dressed as a nun
  9. BLIT2014

    Official Dates HSC external exams

    English Advanced (Paper 1) - Mon 13th Oct AM English Standard ( Paper 1)- Mon 13th Oct AM Hospitality - Mon 13th Oct PM English Advanced (Paper 2) - Tues 14 Oct AM English Standard ( Paper 2)- Tues 14 Oct AM Latin Extension - Tues 14 Oct PM Industrial...
  10. BLIT2014

    Recommend a Hamlet Production?

    Oh and a good place to view it :P Many thanks :):shy: Preferably with Fortinbras in it as I think the Doran 2009 Hamlet really missed that part of Hamlet
  11. BLIT2014

    Picking a title for BOW?

    Anyone have a good brainstorming methods of choosing a title?
  12. BLIT2014


    Any 2014ers (or anyone else) have deviantart? Would love to have a look at some of your stuff and will also post my account link if people want to have a look too :P
  13. BLIT2014

    Where can I get data on wealth distribution in china over the last 20 years?

    Thank you :evilfire::cry::frown2:
  14. BLIT2014

    What type of things to put in the 'introduction' of Economic Essay

    :frown2: Anyone willing to post an example of their essay introduction/question would be very helpful Thank you
  15. BLIT2014

    What Textbooks is your school using for General Maths?

    Curious to see what other textbooks are out there :blink2: or are popular
  16. BLIT2014

    Doing a Certificate in Accounting whilst in year 12?

    Hi, I'm interested in doing a part TAFE course such as a certificate in Accounting or something.. whilst continuing the HSC at school next year. What courses for book keeping/accounting am I eligible to do ? And what would you recommend ? Thank you in advance ~ Blit:cool2:
  17. BLIT2014

    Why is Australia a constient net importer of capital?

    Topic 2: Australia and Global Economy Why does Australia consistently import capital? Thank you in advance
  18. BLIT2014

    Calculating cost of installing fencing? Urgent help needed

    A person charges $5.50 per square metre to install fencing. He installs 16.43 square meters of fence how much did it cost him to install the fence? For a question like this do we assume and round to the nearest square metre And if so do we round up ? Or do we round down?