Okay sorry your probably all like "Is this girl stupid?"
but what exactly contributes to getting a Low ATAR? Besides basically bombing out on tests/assignments etc.
The reason why im saying this, is that im scared i'll get a really low ATAR and probably wont get accepted into any Uni's...
So basically I just had my general maths exam and I looked over my notes (which I know I probably shouldnt have) and I realised I made the stupidest mistakes and I most likely failed my exam. I am pretty poor at maths, I struggle alot and there was no way I could drop the subject without...
So basically I am on 11 units but its mostly counted as 10 because I do catholic studies.
The subjects I do are:
Design & Technology
Ancient History
English Standard
Catholic Studies
Visual Arts
General Maths
My ATAR aim is to get 70+ because thats usually the mark to get into...
Im getting all my notes in order, before I go back to school.
Just wondering if anybody had extra notes on peter skrzynecki poems and belonging?
Just so I could add more to my existing notes :)
Just wondering everyone seems to comment saying to kind of back away from texts that have been overused.
Anyone know why? What if you can analyse it really well?
Though also was wondering if "The Perks of being a Wallflower" (Novel) was an overused text?
Was going to use finding nemo as a...
So im basically going for my red P's in two weeks and im so nervous and because im going for my test at 3 oclock everyone keeps warning me about school zones... -_-
So any advice and tips would be much appreciated!
Thank youuu.