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  1. seremify007

    Cadetships 2013 thread

    Kicking off the new year with a new accounting and business cadetship thread for 2013! This thread continues the discussion from previous years which also contain useful but maybe less timely information: 2012: Previous years...
  2. seremify007

    Bucket on M4 tonight

    FML. Was driving on M4 city bound near Silverwater exit when a plastic bucket flew onto the road. Car in front swerved left but by the time I saw it I couldn't because there was a car to my left. Bucket went under car at 90km/h and got jammed between front left wheel and underbody rendering...
  3. seremify007

    2012 Australian International Motorshow (Sydney)

    Anyone go so far this year? Comments on whether it's worth $22?
  4. seremify007

    Get Hired - an entertaining and realistic simple guide to interview success

    Someone at work forwarded this to me and I thought it was full of LOL (and truth) >
  5. seremify007

    FF7 Remake for PC

    In case you didn't see the news, SE announced they are doing a remake of FF7 for PC > Trailer: There are three new features listed on the official page at : 1. Achievements 2. Character Booster 3...
  6. seremify007

    Does anyone still go to video game arcades (eg Timezone)?

    I went last weekend and whilst the machines have been updated over the years, it still feels largely the same as it was before. I'm tempted to get back into DDR and get fit again, but will avoid WMMT after spending WAY too much $$ on that game.
  7. seremify007

    Facebook in the car?

    The other day I was driving and I noticed my satnav software had been automatically updated... to include Facebook? Whilst I appreciate the benefits of being able to post status updates from the car, share my location, find friends near me, and also automatically know where I'm going thanks...
  8. seremify007

    Review of the Aegis Apricorn Padlock 1TB 256-bit encrypted hard drive

    Based on my work, I am always in need of encrypted drives to protect my data given a lot of it is either customer data or market sensitive. All of my business/work-related machines have pre-boot encryption software, and my employer has provided me with Kingston Data Traveller Vault...
  9. seremify007

    Matte black

    Do you guys rate matte black? I am looking at this 370z and apart from the height, I think the car looks pretty darn fantastic. Source:
  10. seremify007

    ICQ number

    I wonder how many people here still remember their ICQ number (or were even around when ICQ came about). I can't believe I still remember it off the top of my head even though I don't touch it (don't even have ICQ installed on any devices/computers). I do miss those days of chat and the pre-MSN...
  11. seremify007

    Megan Piper, Porn Star, Can't Attend Prom With Mike Stone, School Says

    Source: Interestingly whilst it made SMH... it's subsequently let to Anonymous getting involved >...
  12. seremify007

    PBA cards in the USA

    Has anyone here heard of them? Some of my US friends were telling me about them and I can't help but think omg real life get out of jail free cards! Here's an explanation:
  13. seremify007

    Shipping stuff from NY (USA) back to Sydney

    I don't know if anyone on here has tried but the costs of shipping are ridiculous. For say, 20kg worth of clothes/etc in a 50cm cubed box, it'll cost me at least US$680 to ship back to Sydney (not including the $7 box itself from FedEx). I've tried looking at other options e.g. Seven Seas...
  14. seremify007

    Jalopnik- "How Honda Pays Bloggers to Write about their Cars"

    Interesting and controversial article in today's e-news: Source:
  15. seremify007

    NYTimes - "Why I am leaving Goldman Sachs"

    This article seems to be making the rounds up here in NY so thought I'd repost it as it's an interesting editorial/opinion piece. Source:
  16. seremify007

    Do you rate this R35?

    Saw it outside a restaurant last night and thought I'd snap a photo of it: I thought it actually pulled off the green surprisingly well. Had modified exhaust (and sounded epic).
  17. seremify007

    New Honda Civic (9th gen / MY2012)

    Any thoughts? I personally think Honda have played it quite safe and whilst they didn't change the design much, it's still one of the better sleeker looking options in the small car segment. It does draw a bit too close to the Honda City (which is meant to be a Yaris sedan competitor) but at...
  18. seremify007


    I think this sums it up for your first few years as an audit graduate.
  19. seremify007


    Has anyone here used it? I have to admit, I couldn't think of any reason why I would want faster internet and bigger limits in Australia but after using the Spotify service (which I've upgraded to the free Premium service for a month) it's pretty epic. It's made work that much more interesting...
  20. seremify007

    UNSW Alumni + Uniwide

    Has anyone else here gotten their Uniwide access to work as an alumni? For some reason my zpass just won't let me connect to Uniwide when I'm there. I've tried following all the settings. Will follow up once I'm back in Sydney.