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  1. seremify007

    Top Gear USA

    Anyone here follow it? I actually quite enjoy it. The challenges are a bit old-school (cough repeats) but they're still interesting to watch and I enjoy the US-spin on things. The Evo X in the snow was wicked.
  2. seremify007

    Double Demerits

    Remember there are double demerits (at least in NSW) from 24 Dec 2010 to 3 Jan 2011 (inclusive)! Drive safe and remember there's going to be a lot of people driving on the road, and a lot of inexperienced drivers, so always be careful :)
  3. seremify007

    Does anyone actually use their PSP and PS3 together?

    Just wondering if there is any real benefit to it... I mean yes there are features but it sounds like a lot of them are not things which will have regular usefulness. Apart from the PlayTV thing which I'm considering getting.
  4. seremify007

    Evo vs STI (picture thread)

    I thought Holden vs Ford is too cliched so here comes the more important challenge. Feel free to add your own photos to this thread! Evo's: STI's: ps. Has anyone Googled "STI". I almost forgot what it also stood for ROFL. URL: sti - Google Search (hint: look at pink suggested links at top)
  5. seremify007

    Fines for 4km/h over limit

    Source URL: Fines for 4km/h over limit
  6. seremify007

    NFSW signatures - inappropriate or offensive?

    NSFW signatures - inappropriate or offensive? I know the FAQ specifically addresses the following; ... but what is deemed offensive material? e.g. a girl in a bikini whilst not technically offensive, makes viewing this site/forum a bit more awkward when in public places, schools, libraries...
  7. seremify007

    Hybrid cars- what do you think?

    Just wondering what the guys on BoS think of hybrid cars. I personally think they're amazing in terms of fuel economy (no duh) but they also happen to be surprisingly modern after sitting in a few Priuses now. Also impressive is that they can look like perfectly normal cars (e.g. Toyota Camry...
  8. seremify007

    Photos from a local Car meet

    Thought I would share this with the other guys on the BoS cars forum if anyone was interested in attending one of our informal social gatherings :) I try to organise something informal every now and then for one of the forums I post on for uni students (AUSCA---Australian Universities Student...
  9. seremify007

    2011 Suzuki Swift (all new model)

    ... looks pretty much the same as the first one to me. Source URL: New Suzuki Swift unveiled – larger in every dimension!
  10. seremify007

    Rate this: Blow off valves

    Sexy or not?
  11. seremify007

    Corolla families

    I saw this on Google (presumably from Toyota Club Australia) and thought this was cute: Hello to MRROLA and MSROLA :) Looks like the missus only got el-cheapo yellow plates (jkjk)
  12. seremify007

    Rate this car: 2010 Mazda 3 MPS

    Mazda 3 MPS... a car with massive amounts of power (190kW) going through the front wheels. My mate recently bought the new one and we went for a spin- it definitely feels like it pulls VERY VERY HARD and the stock tyres are surprisingly good for stock tyres. But then in the $40-50k hot hatch...
  13. seremify007

    What do those TRIANGLES on the road mean?

    Has anyone noticed these are popping up on a lot of roads? They usually are in a series (e.g. you are driving forward in a lane, and there are arrows on the right side of the lane pointing left) so I'm inclined to think it means keep to the left/stay in your lane? *shrugs* They definitely...
  14. seremify007

    Drivetrain of Choice?

    Everyone grows up on an FWD, but I grew up on a Daihatsu Terios (don't let the 4WD fool you- there are probably shopping trolleys which can handle equally well!). So what's your choice? Me? I'm an AWD fan for daily driving. I love being able to drive through wet or dry and keep the foot...
  15. seremify007

    Why I hate Nokia now...

    We all laugh at Apple fanboys who blindly buy Apple products the moment Steve Jobs announces something. Then we laugh at the almost cliche anti-Apple club which is as non-conformist as... wait a sec, doesn't that mean they use Windows? (bar the <1% of people who use *nix of some sort). Anyway...
  16. seremify007

    No, I'm a legend. You're a tosser.

    Took this off my Facebook- saw it the other day and thought it was worth posting on the internets. *cringe*
  17. seremify007

    Fully sick pizza delivery car :)

    Just saw this on the M4 and thought it was cute :)
  18. seremify007

    Thornleigh McDonalds

    I thought I would make a TLM thread since the other McDonalds thread is all about employment. If that's what you're looking for, refer to > So who here is a regular at TLM? :) I think I'll go again tonight...
  19. seremify007

    What mouse do you use on your iMac/Macbook?

    Just curious waht others are using because my Mum is complaining her Bluetooth Mighty Mouse (aka Apple Mouse) is stuffing up alot because the scroll wheel won't scroll (and yes I've tried all the various ways of cleaning it including tipping it upside down per various forums). I was looking...
  20. seremify007

    Cheap games everywhere (Harvey, JB, GAME, etc)

    Has anyone picked up or spotted any good bargains? I bought Supreme Commander 1 (PC) for $14 yesterday from GAME (brand new). Xbox version was there as well but a bit more expensive (under $20). Was considering Eternal Sonata for Xbox360 ($9). At JB Hifi, saw DOA for Xbox360 for $10 but...