:rofl: I love the question.
10 days? Recently, we only ever got 14 days to do an assignment.
My general rule, to do well for 1500 word essay and to not be working under pressure, was give yourself a few nights to research and think logically about your argument and where the research is going...
I assume they don't think highly of it - because some refuse to post notes before the lecture as they think it will make more students turn up. However, some probably don't care as they have things which they regard as more important to worry about.
I made notes from the lecture, detailed notes and never touched a textbook. I then memorised the notes, focusing on understanding them at the same time. I recommend this method :p
Contact the course convenor for the approval.
Good idea to get a 'waiver form' and fill it out and bring it to the convenor. You used to be able to get them from estudent.
I hope my knowledge isn't out of date
Interesting. I can't access it on mine or I would try and explain if I knew :p
And multi quote (I can't remember what it was called before) is FINALLY back!!
edit: I don't see any quotes
Thanks pwar! That is very helpful! Ok yes I think I should go the uni route, but I will do a bit more research.
I know, I wouldn't want to start this semester (I need a rest, have a bit of work to do to to finish my ongoing contact with the uni and would like to try and regain some of the...
What is the best way to go about learning a language?
Has anyone done a certificate or diploma in languages? What are the purpose of these courses? I have a fairly ok grasp of a language (including some uni studies), but I am looking to further my knowledge - I assume a certificate or diploma...
Has anyone done a certificate or diploma in languages?
What are the purpose of these courses? I have a fairly ok grasp of a language (including some uni studies), but I am looking to further my knowledge - I assume a certificate or diploma may benefit me? Does anyone have any ideas on how...
Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers
Psych and stat units should have ilecture. Drop the course convenor an email to check - I used to. I did many clashing subjects and I recommend it if you really do want to do certain subjects and you know you will keep up with the ilectures. Rather than ilecturing...
Does anyone know how long the 08 parking sticker is valid for? Is it written somewhere online so that I can confirm? (I can't find it, I may give the uni a call).
:o I didn't even know you were considering a PhD, let alone deferring it. Good on you! :). I, however, am so relieved to never have another uni assignment to do!! Woo-hoo!
(Although I was browsing the handbook yesterday, but let's not go into that... and in reality, I'm pretending that my uni...
I don't know if enrolling and withdrawing is the best way, it will be time consuming. I'm sure there's an easier way of deleting them but can't remember what it is.
When you get your student card you also need to get a sticker put onto it, allowing you to concession for travel. You are only entitled to the concession if you are an Australian student and studying full time.