As above, it is true for all casual positions, especially those in a store as big as kmart, target and so on. It depends on the job security at your other job, the positives of your other job and the position you will be given at kmart.
i'm always worried i'll accidently put a post intended for here on webct ;) there's no delete button on webct! or email it to someone which is arguably worse.
unfortunately i can only say that i understand half of what is going on but it's still interesting.
:confused: didn't i post that email? or maybe my post got deleted.
*searches own posts*
yeah sorry guys, posted it in the wrong thread, must've had too many windows open
Is there a way I can add comments to acrobat documents and save the acrobat document with the comments added? It will save me printing off about 500 pages.
I've searched the help function and it doesn't seem like this is possible.
Do they still have on campus voting? I am fairly sure they used to for something at some time while I have been at Macquarie but I don't know what for.
If you're not prepared to buy a hat buy a little head piece, or go to spotlight and get some feathers and stick them onto a clip and make a little head piece that way. Most people do wear headpieces but if you don't want to wear one then that's fine too.
I haven't been in winter but I assume...
do you mean overnight? i don't think there would be anywhere...
edit: this thread is related