Captain Gh3y said:
lol @ universities feeling the need to have one of 'each' type of faculty just so they can say they do, even if it sucks
a) There is no engineering faculty/department/divison/whatever,
b) they only made the BEng degree because they already had all the necessary units for it. It's not as if they've started up engineering with a whole new department, lecturers, buildings, resources, etc, or anything beyond the normal increase in university size (which has happened in every faculty),
c) all the 'new' engineering majors are still (and were) actually possible to get in a BSc major, usually with a slightly different name. And having any uni without science faculties is a bit ridiculous, don't you think?
And I really wouldn't say that engineering specifically is very weak at MQ - I'd say that a lot of science is, outside of the niches which seem to do well. Science at MQ seems to only be there to backup the degrees which need it: Psych, business, geos, paleontology, etc.
edit: So lol @ some bosers feeling the need to have one 'post' just so they can say that they do, even if it sucks.