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  1. iambored

    Vent about exam time here

    ahahah seriously? that's awesome, i wish i saw one of them in action 12:36am edit: take home down to 250% of the word limit (from 300%) 8:41pm edit: down to 180%
  2. iambored

    Vent about exam time here

    i havent been watching linked videos because there have been too many of them but that video was very funny!
  3. iambored

    Vent about exam time here

    did i say i give myself nightly goals? meh well i often do! yes it does feel good knowing that you've done something. so i've done about 3/4 of the assignment, maybe a little less and i am just less than three times over the word limit. that is how ridiculous this word limit is. i can give...
  4. iambored

    Vent about exam time here

    so what's happened since all hours of the monrning? i'll be doing the same thing but all day today. i may even give updates. i'll start now: currently have completed 1/3 of the take home. currently sitting at the word limit. must read 100 more pages and do 2/3 of the assignment and then do some...
  5. iambored

    Vent about exam time here

    when you put it that way i've probably written a thesis 10 times over on this site :eek:
  6. iambored

    Vent about exam time here

    thanks for notifiying us mq. but is a little late notice and there's no point in even trying to email our lecturers about tomorrow arvo exams is there?! do they not take into account exams? remember when they wanted to take webct offline just before or during exams and then changed their...
  7. iambored

    social life at macquaire uni

    so it wasn't a one off when i went there and they didn't have what i wanted to drink?
  8. iambored

    Applause for the gayest student name at all time...

    i don't know the guy besides his bos presence but i also have faith in his capabilities and i get sick of the way they belittle his position.
  9. iambored


    MODS - ban the above user until the end of next week. many thanks.
  10. iambored

    Vent about exam time here

    oh how i would have loved to have stuvac this year
  11. iambored


    :mad: @ pwar not only do i have too much to do, i didn't do much of it today due to feeling crap. so i'm going to bed right now. night all :D
  12. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    and i should be able to get 3500 in 11 days... & find papers to support every point & study for and do exams must keep positive :p. must get sleep.
  13. iambored

    I lolled.

  14. iambored

    Applause for the gayest student name at all time...

    you both hate it that much? i don't mind it. i won't be using it because it's too hard to say but it's ok to look at if that makes any sense! i don't use 'sam building' anyway because people always ask for clarification.
  15. iambored

    I just kicked someone's crap off a tableeeee!!!

    My story isn't quite so exciting, there was no confrontation. But today, I found a table that was apparently 'occupied' but by 2 library books. A bonus was that there was a library policy notice nearby, so if a person turned up after 1/2 an hour I could point them to that. I asked the nearby...
  16. iambored

    Exam Prep S1 2007

    it's so close to the end of the semester but there's still so much due! i'm looking forward to the break but not because when it's over semester 2 is only going to be harder than this. overall, the spacing of my exams is good, taking one day at a time and not wasting too much time it'll be fine.
  17. iambored

    A quick guide to MQ Politics

    thanks for them! i can't wait until i have time to read them
  18. iambored

    Adding Comments to Acrobat Documents

    oh i think i only have the reader, i only just realised that 'actobat reader' would be similar to something like word viewer thanks for your help anyway
  19. iambored


    what do you consider 'normal sleep at night'? and if it is something decent like 8 hours or more (which i am guessing that it is) go to the doctor. you could be "sleeping" at night but not really sleeping, or it could be something else.
  20. iambored

    Big Brother 07

    I think I'm officially over this show. I think a lot of this forum is as well by the look of this thread - about 1 month in and 8 pages of posts