Re: The old end of semester / mark prediction thread
I miss those days too. Nostalgia creeping in already. Thanks to everyone at BOS for making those late nights bearable!
This whole semester I have received only one of my marked assignments back! So I don't really know how I'm going and it...
Re: Don't miss your chance to be part of the unveiling of our new image...
:confused: The reason that we can be messed with like this is because we're innovative, but they mess with us and then take away the 'innovative' :confused:
Re: Don't miss your chance to be part of the unveiling of our new image...
LOL!!! Cracked me up, especially when I read "Hmm... At least they're accommodating to our large Asian student population with the slanty (yellow) eyes... " Lol you were quite calm about it MJ, imgine if they did give...
Re: Don't miss your chance to be part of the unveiling of our new image...
To me it looks too modern to be a logo of a uni. I don't understand how they expect people to take the uni more seriously (i.e. trying to attract researchers and postgrads) with a logo that looks like it should belong...
Re: Don't miss your chance to be part of the unveiling of our new image...
I like it, but that's discounting the fact that it's a uni logo.
Changing the logo of a uni doesn't make much sense to me. Its logo is not something that needs to be changed
Lol yes I had one of those blue 'you have not posted' messages when I logged in :p.
I was busy last week and crazily motivated at any time that I was home, so I forgot this place existed. But now, I'm back to not being sure how I'm going to get everything done on time. I have been working...
Pfft to flowing theses, who made up that brilliant idea... "Add a joining paragraph," "This doesn't flow," "Smooth this out" ... :angry:
48 hours :jaw:... did you get there in the end?