:rofl: i've gotten to the age where some people value my 'life experience' :confused:
i also don't know how realistic that is, considering you need to study first and then find a job
where did you look into uni prices? if you're a local you should be paying around $6000 per year and you can...
why are you still doing exams?
i've only got 1 due this week. so i'll be sleeping :D
*forgets about having 2 things due on 6 of 9 weeks following the holidays*
i couldn't figure it out either. until i read the date of the first post! these subforums used to be divided differently to how they are now, so this was probably posted in the 'environmental and life sciences' section, which was later combined with others and now falls under this section.
yeah i normally look for one book to find the location and then go to the location and flip through books on the shelf.
that's how all shops should be, with displays out the front. customers damage too much stock.
haha yes it's obvious. you'll drive past epping station. from there you'll go down epping road, which is straight. when you start to turn left, you'll be turning into the uni. you'll go around a few little roundabouts near parking areas and then the bus should stop to let a lot of people off...
Is there a problem with me posting this?
I'm interested in your thoughts.
All I really have to say is that when I read the original email I wondered why they don't turn everything off every weekend? It seems other people have wondered the same thing. I think that anything that big...
the problem you're likely to find is that your friends will go out to over 18 places and you'll have a while before you can go out with them.
if you like the idea of leaving uni at 19 though then go.
not quite - what you wrote makes more sense than what's been written in the rest of this thread :p
edit: :rofl: LFMing and summoning at the stone :confused: *sigh* :rofl:
haha no i knew that wouldn't come out right, the words proudmoore PvP guild etc. are just words that to me look similar to ashd pajshd asjd and the mish mash of other words that they are jumbled amongst.
he can't be beyond help.
how have you been trying to help him? it's not something you can do alone.
take his advice?
google some advice, such as this page,
i think 2. i couldnt work 8-6 and do 3 subjects. if you want a P and are happy to have no time to yourself for a semester so you can finish earlier then do it.
wth i open this thread every time there is a new post, so every day, the title looks innocent enough, i understand it, i seem to forget everytime that me reading this thread is equivalent to reading asdhproudmooreajsdhguildajshdPvPw9eruLFMkjasgnomerldkj98rtasdasurewqrhajdrealmlaiqweadakjdh