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  1. iambored

  2. iambored

    getting nervous...

    reserve now opens before 9am!!! this morning at 8:30 there were 6 people in there, the other day at about 8:40 there were about 10 people in there. i think it's worth having it open.
  3. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    haha woot! sleeping: 11pm goal: 9:30 or 10pm exercise: none. walking around campus etc. will do food: bringing as much food to uni as possible, both healthy and unhealthy. goal: do have fruit every day, have morning and afternoon tea, don't buy lunch every day. overall goal: reduce stress...
  4. iambored


    i started typing something up, but then read the post above mine, so will 'ditto' do? besides the second paragraph, i don't agree with that, i think that your relationship still means a lot to him but the reputation he wants to have and having fun means more. if he does find someone in the next...
  5. iambored

    My first HSC total breakdown... eep. Help with appeal forms?

    Hey Jesykka, Something isn't working there, have a look at where you're spending your time because you shouldn't be working that hard and falling behind. You mentioned yourself it might be the OCD, whatever it is, it's not right. There's absolutely nothing wrong with admitting this to your...
  6. iambored

    Wanting a relationship at the "wrong time"

    um, troll? if not wait? you don't just wake up one day and decide "omgz i want a bf!! now!!" and get one. especially if you run from boys that you meet. if you meet someone, go out with them, if not, study. i don't understand the sudden urgency.
  7. iambored

    Administration Fees.. Please do it :)

    Yeah I agree, which is why I was confused. Then the title threw me off, because admin fees don't relate to education itself. Threadstarter, please explain, this thread doesn't make any sense at all. Edit: tpotloka I'm thinking of a situation not related to school or uni. Regardless of fees...
  8. iambored

    Administration Fees.. Please do it :)

    I thought maybe this was supposed to be a comparison of school vs. uni - assuming school was free and uni had to be paid for whether now or deferred :confused:
  9. iambored

    Who's doing what in Semester 1, 2007? aka The Stalk-Me!!! Thread

    funny how i read that as sem 2 i think he meant sem 2, but '3' does exist for handbook purposes and it refers to the full year edit: big mistake, i corrected it :p
  10. iambored

    Price Theatre

    :eek: if it's possible to be blown away by a lecture theatre, i was today when i took a peek at price. that's a major makeover they did on it!!
  11. iambored

    Foods that make you go 'eww'...

    chicken feet, liver, brain, eyes - any 'rare' part that wouldn't be eaten by anyone in their right mind. *drools* i could live on that stuff i can't begin to think how wrong that is. do they eat the bird?
  12. iambored

    Travelling....Around the World

    Originally I didn't think you would have enough money either but you missed this vital piece of information! You should have enough money
  13. iambored

    Hows your prospects for this semester?

    it's definitely too early! i've only had half my classes. i have no idea at this point, no idea of the difficulty of content, standards of marking, abilities and motivation of other people.
  14. iambored

    Travelling....Around the World

    You will have plenty of time overseas so my advice is to spend some of that away from the tourist thing if you can. As amazing as it is to walk around the big cities and see the tourist sites, it's even more amazing to get away from it all and go to quieter areas. Are you thinking about...
  15. iambored

    So hard to find these at Maq Uni..

    level 2 library toilets aren't bad, level 3 need a makeover
  16. iambored

    was i the only one?!?!

    ok thanks for the information, now it all makes sense. :)
  17. iambored

    was i the only one?!?!

    So what happens if someone pays upfront now? Pretend they are supposed to pay $2000. If they paid before the 23rd February they would have paid $1600 because of the 20% discount. Does that mean if they paid today they would be paying $1800? (they'd still get the discount but get charged a late...
  18. iambored

    was i the only one?!?!

    yes your ranting makes sense. all of it. i don't understand whether there has always been a late fee and i don't understand how it works with discounts, late fee, upfront, deferring and so on. from my understanding from previous years- there was no late fee. you needed to pay by census date...
  19. iambored

    So hard to find these at Maq Uni..

    did they fix the inside? i'm going to sneak in for a look next week, the outside looks great. the co-op looks great as well
  20. iambored

    Oh the wonders of O-week! (the free stuff thread)

    HILLSONG?! that is very shifty. i took their pamphlet. i threw it out but still, i had no idea who they were. isn't that false advertising or something? doesn't it tell you something about your group when you have to resort to sneaky con-artist tactics to try and get people to join?! if they...