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  1. iambored


    I equate them to pyramid schemes that require people to make money off their friends. Not that they personally get anything from getting people to join, but that I dislike the way they go about it as I have said (ok can you tell that last year i got kind of pissed off when a new friend came to...
  2. iambored


    i don't call listening to the chuppa-chup giving christians opening my mind to diversity. they preach and use you as a friend sneakily to try and get you to join them. i'm sure it's a great club and i know some of them and they are great people. i just don't like how they go about getting people...
  3. iambored

    Appetite Problem

    i've also heard some chiros claim they can do a hell of a lot that they can't. where's proof of this nerve channels thing? i would never go to a chiro for sleeping disorders, anxiety, nausea, loss of appetite. sounds like bs to me (but i don't know anything about it) and you'd have to watch...
  4. iambored

    O week

    interesting/absolutely stupid. yeah all sibt seems to be full of non english speakers.
  5. iambored

    getting nervous...

    wtf? all that stuff has been moved? why?! especially reserve photocopiers, they were always packed with people. i hate self checking out, i used to refuse but then they would take too long to come over so sometimes i gave in, but now they just point you away. i think once i had a book...
  6. iambored


    i'll go against everyone and say later, because sometimes the lecturers say that you don't need the texts. or you can read between the lines when you get the unit outlines and realise that you don't need the texts. especially if questions are MC, you're given good notes and they say "reading the...
  7. iambored

    O week

    they do screen english, students have to be of a certain standard... sometimes it seems like the criteria is to know less than our average 5 year old though. to be fair though some internationals have brilliant english and they're so lucky to be able to speak 2 or more languages fluently, a...
  8. iambored

    schapelle corby's friend

    her sister's interview on 2dayfm did absolutely nothing to convince me that the friend was lying. she didn't sound truthful. of course she was probably nervous though. edit: using the voice lie detector thing really really pisses me off. it's suck a gimmick. i don't understand why they tell...
  9. iambored

    RAWR! Mentors and Mentor Leaders unite!

    :eek: i don't want to ever hear any bad news about accidents <3 i had to go to uni today to pick something up, after seeing this thread last night i was hoping not to bump into bosers, turns out that the place was swarming in them so i hurried over to mac centre :p
  10. iambored

    Mexico- a photo

    clairegirl, im partly with cyan in that that looks TERRIFYING, the pictures give me goosebumps, yet amazing. i don't think i have seen photos like that of a bungee jump
  11. iambored

    How is your timetable?

    yeah whenever, it's not urgent but it's good to have something on there.
  12. iambored

    Something interesting

    ^^ so did i, she seemed friendly, approchable, fun and innovative.
  13. iambored

    Rules for Customers

    haha, or put another way, we're clearly too dumb to be doing anything with our lives but we have superhuman intelligence in that we know every detail about every product including how to use it, which is better than which, when the product ran out, when more will be coming in, which other shops...
  14. iambored

    Ballet flats on guys?

    i haven't read this thread yet but NO NO NO no no no no no no.
  15. iambored

    Prisoner To Parents 'Love'.

    rofl me too, probably my favourite troll
  16. iambored

    Something interesting

    probably probably for this as well i also had no idea she'd make that kind of money!
  17. iambored

    Confused about my program of study...

    yeah i'm guessing you're already enrolled in 3 cores for seemster 1, which is 9cp. therefore you only need to do 1 elective in first semester to stay on track for qualifying for your degree (that will bring you to 12cp). it's recommended that you do 12cp in a semester, so you should think about...
  18. iambored

    Prisoner To Parents 'Love'.

    :confused: since when? girls tend to stay closer to their parents than guys and also tend to 'run' the household so if anything it's the other way around. ingoesout - which is exactly why you have to work on changing the rules, one at a time, not rebelling. No going anywhere wthout prior...
  19. iambored

    External units and eStudent

    from memory of my time with uni enrolment people, yes. but i can't remember for sure if it was for every subject.
  20. iambored

    External units and eStudent

    notmally yes there should be the option to register, as if you were registering in a tute. i'd just contact the convenor and ask them. they won't not let you come though - it's a similar situation to when the one and only lecture session is full -the convenor just has to add more spaces so more...