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  1. iambored

    Sticking cardboard L plates on

    I don't see why people wouldn't see them tucked under the number plates because they are low on the body of the car? especially the front one? But to answer your question, maybe magnetic ones, although they have been known to fall off and damage the paint on the car. Maybe you can invent...
  2. iambored

    Confused about my program of study...

    i only read the first and last lines of the above but i will support kegs and also tell you - do not do stat171, stat170 is good enough so there is no need to do the harder version of it (which is stat171)
  3. iambored

    Confused about my program of study... it takes 5 years to do a double degree, therefore 10 semesters 116 / 10 = 11.6 so you'll be doing 12cp every semester why 21cp? to fulfill the degree requirements, you're going to have to do 12cp every semester, therefore...
  4. iambored

    A few questions.

    no way. if you have 2 3cp subjects and 1 4cp subject = 10cp when the average load is 12cp. if you meant to type 3 3cp subjects with the 1 4cp subject (so 13cp) i would also say you should be fine with that, i did it and found no problem whatsoever, of course it depends on the subeject but my...
  5. iambored

    Student Card

    you have to do it a few weeks/months before the end of your last semester or something, but you may as well do it now if you know when you'll graduate
  6. iambored

    Is the SAM card worth buying?

    as are your school details, your uai, hsc subjects and marks all offers, enrolments, withdrawals, reenrolments etc etc i can't believe they store so much information with our student id!
  7. iambored

    Is the SAM card worth buying?

    yeah, but they could have done it anyway without her being a member of sam, on the enrolment program i still don't know if those free coffees etc. expire at the end of march
  8. iambored

    Qualifications to be a store manager

    i don't think any. if you show yourself to be a good worker maybe you can ask them about training programs and work your way up from there.
  9. iambored

    who has the crappiest voice in the music industry?

    kasey chambers and avril lavigne.
  10. iambored

    Why are you still single?

    :eek: that's actually pretty crazy. definitely very cool though.
  11. iambored

    Rules for Customers

    rofl "but that's false advertising" "but that's unfair trading" It's not and I have heard that so many times by now that I DON'T CARE!!! Those words mean nothing to me anymore. If it hasn't come in I will do my best to make sure you're one of the first to get stock when it does but when you...
  12. iambored

    Why are you still single?

    I like that quote. It's true. When you get the 'how would you know it won't work?' or 'why don't you just try?' line and the truth is I can't be bothered. I'll slap the first person to give me that line. In certain conversations with certain people I wait for it, but so far in other stuff has...
  13. iambored

    class enrollments will be open today! omg!

    if that's for union / sam fees, then no
  14. iambored


    to add to kami if you've enrolled to the point where you have to pay fees, does that mean you have filled out the hecs form already? if you have, you need to go to your estudent to print off your tax invoice, which i think should also have information on how to pay if you're paying up...
  15. iambored

    I'm going to be in the orientation day skit! yay!

    um, yey!? haha what is it? is it that thing that the mentors do on the day for the new students? i remember watching that in first year and thinking that if all mentors had to do the skit there was no way i would ever be a mentor :p
  16. iambored

    class enrollments will be open today! omg!

    yeah i found out from your video :) i like the sig btw i think you only print your statement from estudent and then pay as usual (e.g. bpay). the following message is titled as paying via estudent but when you read it, it only talks about printing the tax invoice.
  17. iambored

    How much is the parking sticker this year?

    oh ok. it was ok how it was, but online might be easier if they set things out clearly enough. it was all supposed to be online this semester but they must have decided against it.
  18. iambored

    credit point help

    i think you're fine if you do more cps overall. so say you need to do 72cp to qualify, you yourself will need to do 75cp to qualify for the degree (because if you do 72cp, you'll have more than the maximum at 100 level so 3cp of the 100 level won't be counted towards your degree)
  19. iambored

    Student Card

    doesn't really matter, i didnt have anything on my estudent until recently, but you can get a form from ses or from the net and then hand it into ses (linked on estudent from somewhere it says something about 'expected completion')
  20. iambored

    class enrollments will be open today! omg!

    omg the shuffle comes in colour!!