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  1. iambored

    New Macquarians - Introduce Yourselves

    if you pay me a large sum i may let you in on the secret ;)
  2. iambored

    How Do i Enrol... lost...

    no, i intend on doing some of that :D when do you guys have to have this ready by? because dammit, i really really want write up my timetable guide (just how to make the timetable, not choosing subjects). anyway, from memory, you go into uni one day to accept? or do you do that the same day...
  3. iambored

    New Macquarians - Introduce Yourselves

    rofl hell yea, my point status just jumped x100000000 ok the pilgrimage also has to involve joy and they must post in procrastination threads during exam time at least once a day *knows where said labs are and will go out of their way to spot asy* it wasn't once, at least 3 times, add...
  4. iambored

    How long does it take to get to MQ from Epping

    no i haven't, i have caught it from epping though and since it's about 10 steps from epping station i could take a guess ;) but hahaha really?! very puzzling
  5. iambored

    How long does it take to get to MQ from Epping

    rofl it's what, 5 steps instead of 10?? :p
  6. iambored

    Degree :eek: edit: changed web address
  7. iambored

    New Macquarians - Introduce Yourselves

    I don't need an introduction :p Ok. The final / close to final step has to be carried out at uni and should include stalking. They are then true mqers. Someone make an oath.
  8. iambored

    Keep Italian?

    I think keep it. Languages are much less work that other subjects like sciences. You might be surprised and it might be counted. Dropping to 10 units leaves you no back up.
  9. iambored

    Cut offs 2007

    haha, except for the problem that the number of students will stay the same, grr, they need to keep cut-offs constant and then we'll get less students and so more parking, yey! oh and this, it's a 2007 issue, i don't want to make another thread, i've gone a bit post-happy tonight. they're...
  10. iambored

    Cut offs 2007

    Woah, it is my imagination or have our cut offs dropped pretty significantly?
  11. iambored

    New Macquarians - Introduce Yourselves

    Who's joining us in 2007? :D
  12. iambored

    How long does it take to get to MQ from Epping

    it's possible but sif be bothered. as tabris said, it'd not worth it. as a pre-first year i imagined myself walking from the station *shakes head*
  13. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    hell yeah! we need more procrastination threads, but holiday procrastination threads. i'll make one, when i think of something mq-related
  14. iambored

    Well all my friends "grew up"...

    qft. and then make your uni group the 'fun' group that you want as was said to me in another thread here, you can have different friends for different times :) this hasn't happened for me yet but it will in the near future, i'm dreading it.
  15. iambored


    haha thanks miss_gtr. you need to get your account back so you stop confusing me :p
  16. iambored


    and which NS represent are you?
  17. iambored

    My Mother and her Alcoholism

    Have you talked to professionals about what to talk to her about to try and get her to accept help? Some things you might be able to say that might make her accept her problem? As others have said, I think you should first call the kids help line, lifeline or AA and ask them where to go from...
  18. iambored


    not that i can think of either, after you start you can become our resident chiro advisor for the newbies that come after you. welcome btw! i know some chiros and they like it from what i can gather. i don't think any of them have transferred out since first year which is a good sign :p
  19. iambored

    The Idiot's Guide to cooking (things you can make in five minutes or less)

    Re: Recipies Suggestion made today. will make again. :D it sort of tastes like that cheese bread at sizzler
  20. iambored

    friendship tension..

    as above? don't be as friendly with her, who wants to be friends with someone who is making bitter comments about them?