awesome, i need the address, i'm going to go greek in the near future and the location sounds good.
is this it? at harris park?
if they changed the prerequisite and you have done the previous prerequisite you may have a good chance at getting that one. is the subject a core? because i'm pretty sure that you complete your program of study from the handbook from the year in which you began to study (i.e. you don't follow...
are you the one i had an argument about this before? it's not amazingly hard and doesn't take so much focus to keep under the speed limit.
i can't be bothered at this time to retort other things you have said, but they also do not make sense.
i would have thought that they would look at when...
papermate flexgrip ultra, not the retractable, the other one, top pen!!
for a cheaper pen go for papermate kilometrico
otherwise pilot, either their retractable or capped basic pen, next in line is bic smoothies.
papermate flexgrip ultra, not the retractable, the other one, top pen!! i <3 this pen!!
for a cheaper pen go for papermate kilometrico
otherwise pilot, either their retractable or capped basic pen, next in line is bic smoothies.
i use macquarie the most. then probably mac, but not often.
i think i use mac centre the most, then macquarie centre.
sibt i say sib-it or s-i-b-t
i call the sam building, the sam building. i have heard a lot of variations of that one.
In my degree it seems to be the rule rather than the exception. Most people are talking longer than the 3 years minimum required. It is very very normal.
if you don't like maths or stats, do it internally, chances are you might still feel lost.
if you do, externally could be ok, but it's much better to do it internally because it's better to be there and be able to see the slides rather than to have to do it at home
yeah i agree, i decided that the point is that i love spending time with them and that's all that matters.
thanks for perspective
on topic, yes i still talk to my closest school friends but things have definitely changed (partly because of the types of relationships i have been...
haha damn, i'll delete that then, for now at least, i'll save it incase i decide to put it back later. i can tell you though that i am not depressed and i've been home these holidays only to sleep.
i'm used to going out with my long-time group of friends, i still do that, but i've also been...