Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!
same. i refuse to wear my old one and i refuse to buy a new one unless i really like it (i obviously haven't had a good enough excuse to go swimming yet).
but i'd much prefer to see asy and redrum in bikinis - woot, excuse to do no exercise...
damn, definitely good luck! (i don't mean that in a sarcastic way) it just drags on.
does anyone else ever wonder why they put themself through this? voluntarily. and why they're willing to put themselves through more than this? i think we're all insane.
when's your exam? do you still have to listen to 24 hours of lectures? good luck
i was completely fried but now i feel like im on holidays, i'm a little too relaxed at the moment, it's great, i'm finishing off my rewritten notes. i hope that when i get to cramming tonight/tomorrow i stay relaxed.
the best thing to do it look at the celebrities because there are always new pictures of them and they always have new hairstyles. websites with hairstyles don't change.
try then click on 'editorial' and then search for someone
I dunno I think I’m old fashioned in my thinking on this but if I loved someone enough to consider marrying them, surely moving in with them and finding out bad habits wouldn’t put me off?
tranfer mid year imo, you make new friends every semester, so you may as well start half way through first year rather than in second year! actually it will be easier half way through first year than in second year.
i ripped it opened, saw 'sam elections' and only 'sam elections,' was in the middle of study, thought they must be crazy to expect me to read their crap at the moment, so chucked it. tactics?
It's on channel 7 now.
Good for him, all the best for his future. Much respect to him, I support his decision - he's only 24, why spend your whole life absolutely submerged in swimming (or any one thing) when there are so many opportunities around you.