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  1. iambored


    i couldn't sleep last night so i think i've had 2 hours sleep. meaning that in about 2hours i'll be asleep again. and i'm not in a concentrating mood which i knew would happen. and i still have a lot to do. a lot. i can't wait for these exams to be over but i am worried about them.
  2. iambored

    Pictures of Mac

    nice pictures where is the observatory? are they in with other animals like kangaroos? i still want to visit the animals! i will do that one day. i still have to work out where they are.
  3. iambored

    The Macquarie Birthday Thread

    happy birthday glitter!! hope you're feeling better
  4. iambored

    Suicide at Macquarie Centre

    oh wow that's sad.
  5. iambored


    very good haha! that was 10 mins ago.. so you're probably now halfway there!
  6. iambored


    It's almost over!! 4 hours to go!! If you keep pushing on you will be finished in those 4 hours!! Think of the 3 month break.. it's so close you can taste it :p Now my vent: I'm all assessmented/unied-out and I still have 3 exams, 1 1/2 weeks and a hell of a lot of work to do and my...
  7. iambored

    I just kicked someone's crap off a tableeeee!!!

    good work!!! how long were you at the table and did the person come back? edit: were there even lectures yesterday? precisely why i intend on watching 5 empty tables and taking the one next to the person who looks engrossed in study rofl!
  8. iambored

    grr weather conditions not right for study

    rofl, i had a shower first, k? haha no, i put the singlet under the shirt and since there's so much interest with the details of that post, no i didn't put underwear on first and yes i put the trackpants over my shorts :p j/k edit: quoted myself :S
  9. iambored

    grr weather conditions not right for study

    When I woke up I was hot. I put on tshirt and shorts. Then socks. Then added a singlet. Then a jumper, blanket. The blanket is off but I have trackpants on now!
  10. iambored

    I just kicked someone's crap off a tableeeee!!!

    sit where you can see a few unoccupied tables for 20mins and then do it, no point sitting on the floor
  11. iambored

    Procrastination thread # 4-You know the zone is coming when

    :rofl: yeah, well, much different to clairgirl and i
  12. iambored

    Procrastination thread # 4-You know the zone is coming when

    oh no not number 4 - i was supposed to go to bed :p *reads* edit: :rofl: yeah that's pretty much it stage 1 - be nice, listen to stories, lounge around a bit, work really slow, visit bos every few hours, browse a bit. <-- was doing this yesterday. and this morning. stage 2 - few smiles...
  13. iambored

    rubbish exam timetable

    nope sorry i would have died with that timetable
  14. iambored

    MQ Procastination thread #3: Survey

    To get you through exams: Drink of choice: water, oj Pill of choice: zilch Food of choice: anything quick, anything in the fridge. pasta, bread roll Procastination tool of choice: BOS IS KILLING MY TIME :p Other ways you recommend procrastinating? music shower tidying staring at...
  15. iambored

    MQ Procrastination thread #2: POST UR STUDY PLAN for exams

    here is my completely unrealistic, but ideal, study timetable - mon - rewrite all notes of subject 1 (yeah right) 1/2 day interrupted. --> i think it's time for bed. of course i didn't get this done but i'm quite happy with what i did do. tue - study 5 lectures of subject 3, finish rewriting...
  16. iambored

    Latest iLecture List

    thanks skittled! that list is great
  17. iambored

    Angry students bully university mentors

    :rofl: lecturers might speak 'proper' english, but not understandable, simple english actually in one of the subjects i am doing at the moment, there are 2 lecturers. the first lecturer taught us something (actually everything they teach) that seemed so complicated. the second lecturer...
  18. iambored

    MQ Drama

    The point of learning a language is to get to as close to fluent as possible. Starting at 200 level is fantastic to get ahead and learn new things. Even some/most of 200 level is revision for continuers, just in a bit more depth. So I think they cheat themselves in a way.
  19. iambored

    Angry students bully university mentors

    definitely, but thank goodness in 3 years i have never come across these problems stalking is never justified (in the way it's talked about in the article ;) ) i definitely think the academics should be up to scratch and if not, the unis should find someone else. unfortunately teaching is an...
  20. iambored

    MQ Drama

    unrelated, but if they really did continuers, they should have started at 200-level at macquarie, so that was unfair. like, the uni should have checked their subjects and if they did they would have been knocked back. if they did beginners, they would start at 100-level but i guess they would...