This is not really worth arguing about, just a definition. I think if you look "terrorist" up in the dictionary, you'll find that one of the proviso is that the objective needs to be political/ideological or similar.
I think Comrade_Nathan is making the point that the "terrorist" label in this...
The Rationalist, Romanticist, Modernist and Postmodernist eras loosely make up the humanist epoch. It can be said that Western civilisation as a whole is only made up of three epochs - Classical (Greeks and Roman), Medieval (Dark ages onwards), and Humanist (enlightenment onwards). There are...
No more accounting propaganda please.
I know you reckon accountants are so important and accounting is so rewarding compared to other crappy professions like architecture or law, but I'm afraid the rest of the world is not in agreement with you.
I think it's a bit of a stretch to argue that the law only serves the purpose of retribution for the crime of murder. Prevention is obviously a big part. Society isn't perfect, and people commit murder not only because they believe it is right to do so in particular situations, but also because...
That is a fair concern, but such a broad claim would have to be backed up by some statistical evidence. It would be interesting to compare our kids' literacy levels with that of the rest of OECD or similar standards. It would be interesting to see how we fare compared to the rest of the world (I...
Wow.. I just realised that he has a web page of court proceedings. All of these are pretty hilarious :p