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  1. santaslayer

    Directing emails to different folders

    I thought custom filters were used to filter out a customised way. :p
  2. santaslayer

    Graduates 'lacking job skills'

    No Uni course has the time or capacity to churn out 'job ready' grads. Some skills are learnt within uni, but the majority of it should be learnt (fairly quickly) on the job. ie. You can't expect Finance students to be making money first day on the job. TAFE is a different matter. TAFE...
  3. santaslayer

    Prestige of Uni

    I'd say a few other unis would be ranked lower than UWS within Australia in terms of many criteria, including reputation/prestige. The fact that UWS is closest in proximity makes it the most attractive to poke at. Big 4 always have expos in all unis. Bright students pop out from ALL unis.
  4. santaslayer

    Butterworths Series

    I liked the Crim book! It was all airy fairy.. Too bad the questions in the exam never related to the airy fairyness...
  5. santaslayer

    Need Advice :(

    Buy the Lotto frequently.
  6. santaslayer

    Help With Attendance

    a funeral AND a wedding...what extremes..
  7. santaslayer

    Got stuck in the uts lift for an hour

    how many lifts does uts have? what if a million people wanted to go to class? wouldnt there be congestion.. most ppl wouldnt be bothered climbing the stairs..
  8. santaslayer

    Does more units=higher UAI. ??

    You are educated if you gain a high UAI, other factors aside. The AI is definatly the most important thing in year 12 if you plan to go to university and your course requires a sexy UAI. Everyone is different. The UAI is important for some and not to others. I think the least units you do...
  9. santaslayer

    my membership

    what? pool was neva free...? was it? i cant walk all the way back to the uni entrance to eat...just to be forced to walk back up near keira for my next class..:p
  10. santaslayer

    One year

    are 1 yr anniversieries really that important...i kinda forgot when our anniversary is... hell, i dont even know when it all started...shit :p
  11. santaslayer

    Microsoft threatening me!

    didnt apple paten that "I" thingy? many posts have been deleted..:(
  12. santaslayer

    What U like about ur uni

    I went to UoW because of its excellent teaching qualities, it's massive reputation in ALL it's available courses, the good looking girls, the fine architectural structures (esp the grand law building), it's awesome facilities, it's fine wineing and dineing outlets, it's wide variety of sporting...
  13. santaslayer

    What time do u get to bed each night after all of ur work???

    god, what will happen to u ppl when/if u get to uni..does that mean no sleep at all? i slept at around 9:30pm everynight... woke up at around 6:30am
  14. santaslayer

    Butterworths Series

    lol, i see that u have a small collection of law books already. :p we also had supp texts as well. cost us heaps from memory. compiled by the uni themselves. all they did was reprint and sell for a killer best book so far is the criminal text. materials and commentary...
  15. santaslayer

    Microsoft threatening me!

    Too bad you can't close it. :p would it not be easier to close the whole fucking thing down and start up fresh with a new name? would it not be easier for u and for microsoft? its not like u've built such a name for yourselves that taking the name down would be detrimental...u DID say you...
  16. santaslayer

    my membership

    Double post! Yay...I got... Loyalty Points Current points balance is: 12173 that makes like...12 measley dollars...? OMFG I got ripped off... lol
  17. santaslayer

    my membership

    Thanks sexy chick. :p
  18. santaslayer

    Presentations and referencing?

    Just like exams. You don't go referencing the hell out of everythin. It's an exam.