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  1. santaslayer

    Junior Legal Secretary Interview

    Uhhmm.. where do u put ur hands in interview???
  2. santaslayer

    iPod battery sucks hardcore

    Mine play for 4 hrs... ipods are really faulty, ive taken mine to the applestore twice already. expiry date for warranty is due now, so if it stuffs up again then im screwed.
  3. santaslayer

    Is there an easy way to see new replies to my posts?

    3except dont subscribe to everything coz then you would be drowning in spam....
  4. santaslayer

    (msn) MYSPACE question.

    Yea MyMsn Space. Thanks. :) Thanks rnitya as well. :)
  5. santaslayer

    is msn fucking up?

    hi everyone, is anyone experiencing these problems: 1) I have my status as "ONLINE" but whilst in the middle of the conversation, my friend sees me as "OFFLINE" but he can still chat to me. I see his status as OFFLINE as well. NOTE: we did not change the status at all. 2) My status keeps...
  6. santaslayer

    (msn) MYSPACE question.

    My friend took some silly photos and wantsto publish it on MYSPACE so everyone can see it. Because the photos are "silly" he does not want a few people to do see them. ie. His work collegues, other friends etc. Is there a way where he can block a selected few from accessing the page? (or...
  7. santaslayer

    Enrollment Day?????

    remember ur TFN!!
  8. santaslayer


    Tame it is. :uhhuh: Japan's Disneyland is pretty crap if you're looking for excitement but if you're looking for "magic" or whatever, then that's the place to go. :p The crap thing is that MOST japanese people buy the year long pass. This is heaps cheaper than the one day pass, and a lot...
  9. santaslayer


    The most expensive meal (that I saw) was the New burger meal deal thing. Sets you back at 560 YEN. That was about $6.90. Probably slightly more expensive than Australia I think. I'm not sure since I haven't had maccas in aus for quite a while. It was the cheapest thing in Narita airport. :p...
  10. santaslayer

    How do you Study 4 UNI.

    Lecture notes consists of Heading, subheadings and more HEADINGS. I use the headings for my study. It allows me to study less and study specifically for core themes in the subject which I know will be in the exam. I simply use an A4 notebook for my notes. Type it up at home. Print it...
  11. santaslayer

    Who is doing law this year at UOW?

    Commerce/Law rox. I'm not learning anything in Commerce. Just mindless inserting numbers here and there. Fuck i feel like a robot. Doesn't bother me though. I'm thinking too much in Law. There is no perfect world.
  12. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    ok, will be brief. fucken bos. (plz dont ban me :p) This is not a non-issue. The majority fits well into the criteria of killing MOST people. "If not all.." is just one half of the criteria. The other half is "MOST". It does not state that one must fulfill BOTH to be correct. Actually...
  13. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    wtf, i wrote a whole fucking thesis and BoS just automatically signs me!!??! anyway, will type again..wait... fucken.. i hate this layout..fuck
  14. santaslayer

    Legal Advice - Product refunds

    Sue them for being stupid.
  15. santaslayer

    what programs should i unistall/delete

    I'd say start off by deleting crap with the Disk Cleanup Utility first and foremost. Then try something like CCleaner. I managed a few hundered MB's with this program. Also use the add/remove function to remove programs you don't use or want. Make sure to click on the Windows component as...
  16. santaslayer

    Original MSN Location?

    Yeah thanks Skittled. It worked with no problems. =)
  17. santaslayer

    what programs should i unistall/delete

    Money is useless.
  18. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    but the thread topic (which has been elaborated) hasnt been fully answered. uai is shit. but lazarus isnt over it yet!
  19. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    Well if anyone decided to kill this thread then I'd chuck a riot, since it hasn't fulfilled ANY criteria for it to be splattered into smithereens. Does frigid want to become mod? :p
  20. santaslayer

    UTS v UWS

    Of course I am. This was discussed previously. The issue is that only SOME will (or maybe will) do better and adopt better in uni than high school. These, in the minority, will always be just that-the MINORITY. UWS does NOT house overnight miracles. (Nor does any uni for that matter). *Keeps...