But in general, no. You won't have time to do any geneds.
Unless you're doing a straight law degree. There might be some room to do so. Not sure though.
EAS is for educational disadvantages. Like some sort of disability or sickness during the HSC. Unless you're suggesting people who go to schools within the UoW region are disabled???
Regional 5 points is different.
Yes it will. How? I don't know. It just says so. I'm just following the recommended study schedule at the moment. Maybe year12/Ms12/MiuMiu might know more. :)
PLT may be completed in full during the last year (5th, or 6th for some) provided that you have completed all 'Priestley 11' core subjects. These subjects include:
Criminal Law and Justice
Property Law A (Real Property)
Property Law B (Equity)
Public Law A...
Cheating is just another word for lack of referencing. They don't deserve to be punished.
On the other hand, the idiots that smaggled calculators and notes in are an exception. these people intended to copy.