This reminds me of BrokeBack Mountain. Except the gay guys fucked each other before they both got married to a female. They then met a few years later and continued their fucking ways. Both their marriages ended. One iof the gay guys died shortly after.
What's the difference between being the bitch that facilitates the ending of a couple's relationship and waiting it to end naturally?
Either way, there are problems within the relationship which are in no way your fault. Your appearence just makes the guy wake up to the fact that the...
haha funni question.
if u graduated when the IT bust occured u were screwed. a lot of family friends suffered during that time and a lot set up their own businesses because they couldnt find something decent.
Re: Socratic teaching method
Yes, everyone is supposed to do the readings preclass anyways. It's a requirement. Duh. The thing that pisses me off is when the teacher puts you on the spot and you didn't do the specific reading required. Yes I am lazy. I love the socratic teaching method if I was...
Re: socratic teaching method
UNSW is not the only uni that uses this method. As far as I know, the whole world does right now. It's shit because it forces the individual to search for answers and use their own logic/research to come to certain conclusions. It is good for the individual as a...
There are MANY people who would suit a person. There is no such thing as a soulmate. Soulmates happen because the girl/guy hasn't met anyone who suits them as well as the current one, therefore they brand them as their soulmate.
Re: Important info needed!
Every business is different, dependent on its individual circumstances. I think it's quite difficult to even generate average figures.
Where will you be located?
What law will you be focussing on?
This is what I would do. From past experience:
1) Turn Auto Update off in iTunes.
2) Plug Ipod into computer
3) Get into you Ipod folder drive
4) Go into "Ipod Control" folder
5) All your songs should be stored in the numerous folders within Ipod Control.
6) Copy all music to...
1. It's hard to pick the top people for med. UAI's and the external test are not sufficent because MANY people may excel in these departments. An interview is probably the best thing to use as a determining factor for these certain cases. What else can you use?
2. How the hell is the...
I keep getting an error message on my browser when I attempt to create or edit my photo album. The software that is used to upload photos does not pop up anymore. Does anyone know how I can fix this? The error is an "Expected ')' "-whateva that means...
thanks. :)