Re: Personal Legal-ish issue
UPDATE la...
So I sent an email remninding the school of what they were doing. Legal points that MS posted were also bought up. Just not with all the jargon rubbish. This is a friend I'm talking to! (who is only acting for the school, sort of like an agent)
I'd say quotes should be reasonably estimated. ie. on average, how much time should a particular instruction by the client take? there will always be some discreprencies with estimates, as long as it isnt overboard. prices can be amended at the end to cver the extra cost. (or give a sum back for...
Re: Personal Legal-ish issue
friend can def back me up, i have her confirmation.
but bad news to u legal eagles...\no case
i pussied out coz i found out that the person acting for the school (a very good friend) is actually highly involved in this matter as well. cant do anything about...
Re: Personal Legal-ish issue
Fark. :p Sorry people. Am a disgrace to law students. Shall confirm:
I was handed the pornos but they were taken back by the school, so I do not have current posession of the goods. They do.
As I have stated earlier, I didn't want to go full out on the...
Re: Personal Legal-ish issue
Maybe you should read the post again before you attempt to respond. :)
Just because I am a law student does not mean anything. I am not kingshit. (yet).
EDIT: How on earth are the items rightfully property of the school when this was a private, prearranged...
Hey everyones. :)
This is an issue I'm experiencing at the moment, I know these people fairly well so I don't really want to be an arsehole and throw a whole heap of legislation/case law in their faces. I guess I am asking for advice without having to do so? The issue is as follows:
1) I...
I hate the fact that they added another link in order to get to the general university discussion thread. 'd like to see it right under all the subforums so I don't have to waste my time clicking on another link just to gain access.
If it counts towards any class particapation marks or they mark your name down towards the end of the tute then you gotta stay. Some subjects require certain amount of attendance rates in order for you to pass.
Re: Tertiary Forums Undergoing Major Restructuring
When I clicked on the UoW subforum, it came up with another page that was STILL the subforum. Had to click on it again to actually access the actual forum.
But yes, must still be in construction.
What are you planning on doing to...
$49 plan is good.
$22 for $22 worth of calls is also good if you're not gonna crazy with the phone. This is for the 3G network. (Which is improving). You get the choice of an LG U880 or Samsung (something something).
From what I know of term deposits:
You keep a certain amount of money in the bank for a certain amount of time at an agreed interest rate. Interest rates are higher than the normal ones because you can't take any money away from it during that time.
For HSBC, you don't keep on putting...