Not really. For me, if I failed 10 subjects (in a row) it would be exactly a year! :p
Judst think of the money you could be raking in from getting a sexy job. All you need to do is get like fucking 21 HD's. High end HD's. Not fucking piss weak 85.
Good luck. :)
This is the new movie out by Jet Li. Not sure if many of you know about Jet Li or the movie but thought I'd post legal news about it anyways. Some may be interested. :)
From the South China Morning Post
A fight in court for martial arts hit
auuhh...woops, is laying down the law a butterworths text?
We used it in a Foundation unit of Law. Twas shit. The cover (which was green in my edition) was shit.
the language was not particularly easy for a first year law student.
was overly tedious and boring.
only my pov. :)
I've only ever purchased a legal dictionary from Butterworths. The book itself is ok but fairly useless for myself. Most of the legal terminology is explained in class or I can ask the lecturer in person. If I'm desparate, I can always google/wikipedia it anyway. I see no use in a legal...
Hi everyone :)
1) i went to the place under the mckinnon building for lunch (Keira Buffet?)
2) got my food, went to checkout
3) told the lady to use the points i already gained to pay for the food (thru my membership card)
4) was told she didnt know how to do it...
5) was forced...
My GF sent me an SMS with a whole fucking list of *mwuah*'s .
I appreciate it, but don't find it 'romantic' as such. I don't 'feel' romance that easily.
Re: Law Diploma or Grad entry into B.Laws
I say LLB sincve you have successfully graduated (or will, in the near future) already. You are already well acquainted with university life. The LPAB course is a lot different to university structure, in my imagination anyway..
Re: Substituting books
citation should be banned. takes up too much time and effort. esp when ur inserting many ideas from different books within a few paragraphs...comparison of ideas ...bleh..
copyright is ghey...
melbourne guide was online years ago...