Yep that's right it's the Libs, the idea is to advance the Conservative agenda by making the rich richer and worsening the bargaining power of workers.
I'm afraid this observation is emotive and inaccurate. Refer to basic economics - comparative advantage. These so called 'third world countries' have a comparative advantage in the simple manufacturing and textiles sector.
Whilst there are real social issues arising from structural change (the...
No it's because most people are apathetic and don't care when their government repeated lies to them. People care about the economy and border protection (and Howard plays on the xenophobic notion of Fortress Australia). I think there are more people who actually hate Howard than people who hate...
The fact that private schools get government funding is ridiculous. Private schools are businesses. They should receive no more benefit than any coaching college. In fact the only difference between a private school and a coaching college is that the private school's cirriculum is accepted as a...
Re: Union Board Elections 2006 - UPDATED 26/4
This is probably not related to the main discussion but I completely agree with you. It's ridiculous that Falun Gong receives so much support in the West. I happened to be in Beijing on they day a few Falun Gong followers tried to blow themselves...
The idea of public education is that bar merit (i.e. selective schools), everyone has equal educational opportunity regardless of their means. The choice made by many to select private schools (even if they aren't "wealthy" people) undermines this notion of equal opportunity.
Re: Does Australia have a culture?
sort of correct
The fact that they are heavily commercialised detracts from their religious significance
Re: Buying Australian To Support Aussie Companies ?!?
We could become a banana republic if CAD from buying imports => external instability leading to economic crisis.
No I don't think that's why Johnie is rubbishing the syllabus. What he means is that education isn't conservative enough for his liking and is monopolised by the international conspiracy of radical feminists and post-modernists. He fears that our future generations will not so easily accept...
Katie tully your main problem is that you are vastly exaggerating the threat of terrorism in Australia. You acknowledge that it is only strapping oneself to bombs etc that you detest, rather than praying or wearing particular clothes. The reality is there hasn't been a single terrorist attack on...
I think we simply have a different assessment of the extent to which muslim migrants actually undermine the democratic system. The restriction of Muslim migrants in itself undermines two 'fundamental' values imo - freedom of religion and anti-discrimination.
The state will not logically cease to exist. You fall into the Marxist analysis trap of viewing history as a continuous and logical progression. In reality, history has turning points. It's more like a business cycle in its movement from left to right, and back again; from protection to...
I don't see why it's so important for migrants to assimilate. Anyone can hate Australia or Australian culture. Just because someone is a third generation English migrant doesn't mean they can't despise mainstream Australian behaviour or believe in the superiority of English culture and...