By all means, make sure you've covered all the syllabus dot points, but in answer to the original question...
...I didn't find summarising using the syllabus (as the primary source) either easy or effective compared to summarising using a textbook.
The syllabus is quite badly structured for some areas such as economic management. It can be used as a guide but I'd definately advise against using it as the structure for a summary. While the exam is supposed to be written according to the syllabus, 40 marks of it are allocated to essays where...
Summarising by the syllabus can sometimes be quite tedius (it requires some thinking1! :) ) The alternative is to just summarise a good textbook. I'd recommend the Bulmer and/or the Dixon. Listen to some music while you're typing up boring eco notes aswell, it's quite relaxing.
Remember that...
Repeat if you're looking for higher marks. If you can get those excellent marks in Y11 you will almost definately kill it the second time around.
Having said that though, my 10 units were:
4u maths: 88
3u maths: 96
adv english: 95
economics: 96
modern history: 93
uai: 99.75
So your maths...
I wouldn't get too put off by the English skill requirement though. One's language capability can vary immensely throughout short periods of time. For example, a year ago, I was good at English. Now I just feel like a clueless fob. :o
This question has been bothering me aswell... Can anyone confirm whether or not a double major in comm law is possible under the current credit system?
The example I've given was only meant to address your statement in regard to the formula of success (the "super-essay"), not the general topic of the thread. But what I've said before holds true - if they were smart they would have "played the game".
That would actually be a good way to go in theory. However, you will find that like anything else in life, those who excel tend to have some genuine interest in the subject matter. That means they will tend to do extra readings, outside research etc. Of course, some subjects (such as English)...