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  1. santaslayer

    downloading itunes...

    The latest iTunes update always gives me an error message.... but yes, the download page works.. its around 32-33MB ur computer is working
  2. santaslayer

    B. Law

    It isn't suprising. They may incorporate something like two hour tutes/seminars with one hour lectures. They're usually non-compulsory but I find it to be of good help. The method asqy is describing is still taught in the two hour classes. Lectures are less than formal. But then I still tend to...
  3. santaslayer

    Uni Advice - UOW or move to Usyd?

    How, may I ask, is USYD better? USYD had an article out by their own Law Society criticising its lack of facilities, namely, the buildings themselves. (I can't find the fucker, damn. :p) What your assuming is that jaihson cannot excel in whatever he wants to do because everyone who is...
  4. santaslayer

    Uow Or Unsw?

    NTB just doesn't have a good view of the subject in general. I don't too. Esp when you look at the contact hours.
  5. santaslayer

    love really sucks..

    Then use this girlfriend of yours as a substitute for the moment. It's all the same when the lights are out anyway.
  6. santaslayer

    UNSW please explain...

    yeah i wasn't being critical of unsw in specifc...more critical of the possibilites of admin problems.. i just thought it was kinda scary... they could leave u out on the basis of an admin glitch. what if some idiot just thought they would take the decision? i guess they wouldnt be fit to...
  7. santaslayer

    Who's planning to go to UOW??

    hmmm..when is the cutoff date for enrolment in subjects? I still havent been on sols kinda scares me now..
  8. santaslayer

    Lawyers Weekly: Top Ten Issues of 2005

    Looks like it was edited. :D Expansion to Asian seems to be the most obvious 'next step'. :uhhuh: Not very good at discussion. Explains my CP. :(
  9. santaslayer

    omg, failed car exam 6 times on auto

    I think you should find a nice, solid brick wall. :p
  10. santaslayer

    Here's Something for You Happy HSC Graduates Ready to Make a Difference...

    Part of the problem is when you can't get that cute asian law girl that seems to be in every subject you're in. You can only look but not touch.
  11. santaslayer

    Computer Science > Internet Sci and Tech?

    What? First post? What? Internet Science is just internet related. Computer Science is arerrghhh related. They might have the same first year core subjects though. I have a friend who does Internet. I ask her what it's about and she said, "the internet and how it can be incorporated into...
  12. santaslayer

    business/ uai was 0.1 below the cut-off

    Always potential for courses to decrease UAI for late round. I don't ever recall Law following such a trend though. I could be wrong, since I only focused on the UAI trends for a few concerning universities. Always put it on the top of your preferences.
  13. santaslayer

    Call ID

    Similar question. How come Caller ID on my home phone is activated on some of my friend's mobiles but not mine? I am able to see who's calling for everyone else except my own home phone.
  14. santaslayer

    Government Honours

    May I ask wtf a Government honours is? Isn't it just an honours program? Offered by the government? What? I'm confusing myself.
  15. santaslayer

    A warning for potential job seekers

    Then report the fucker if they don't hire you. Or threaten to. :D
  16. santaslayer

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    Was planning a BoS pickup hey? :p But yes, JoeysBoy is attempting to appeal to the large portion of girls who would really think that looks aren't important at all. They are (!!!) and Icey and Keen have accurately described so. On the same scale, girls wouldn't prefer someone who...
  17. santaslayer

    anyone else don't believe in love?

    meh, anyone can make theories about anything. do what u want, feel what u feel. ull find out if he/she was right for u in the end anyway... i do, however, agree with ziff's thing about loving someone because THEY love u and U, in turn, feel loved...
  18. santaslayer

    Uni Advice - UOW or move to Usyd?

    Bearpooh, I'd choose Oxford over UoW if I could ever get my stupid arse there. I have to congratulate you again. :) You sorta described the only major advantage USYD has over ANY university in Sydney. The thing is, any university has a very real potential of overcomming it with time.
  19. santaslayer

    Uow Or Unsw?

    Both concerning faculties have a current, 100% employment rate. Nuff said.
  20. santaslayer

    UNSW please explain...

    omg, unsw left you out coz of some stupid admin problem? how can u sorta forget??