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  1. santaslayer

    Applications to UK universities

    I'd be more than happy Mr bearpooh. Well done. :)
  2. santaslayer

    parking course or something that helps you with parking!!!!

    ahaha i had the same problem. the rta tests are not useful as well since the parking situations presented in the tests are extremely unrealistic. The reverse parking is shit coz it doesnt take into account that u may what to park in between two cars.. there are also other parking problems such...
  3. santaslayer

    B. Law

    Good command of the Engrish language is vital. Some judges like to go around in circles when explaining a simple theory. Workload: Average 80 pages per class in frigid's font. :p . Depends on the law subject though.
  4. santaslayer

    Uni Advice - Com/Law at USYD or UNSW?

    either one ur gonna get the same sorta response when ur asked what course u do: WhhooooOAOOoooooOAOAAAAAAAAAzzzzzzzzzZzz....!!!!
  5. santaslayer

    double degree or single?

    Double, since actuarial is proclaimed as the biggest fucker ever. That way you can study other non actuarial related stuff and also have something else to fall back on if it is too big of a fucker.
  6. santaslayer

    Uni Advice - UOW or fee pay UNSW?

    Not really. Since this person has a shitload of money to fling around then I thought he/she might of wanted to go to UNSW anyway. I mean, any reasonable person would go to an alternative university for the first year and hope to attain the required marks to transfer to the preferred...
  7. santaslayer

    New police power

    The police will tell you why they are looking through your mobile. I'd just let them do it even though I don't think it was reasonable. I'd just make a police complaint afterwards.
  8. santaslayer

    Uni Advice - UOW or fee pay UNSW?

    uhhh..Late Round for law is usually unattainable if you couldn't get in on the first instance. No one knows you are a fee paying student if you don't tell them. Go to UNSW.
  9. santaslayer


    Yeah, I think that's the case. Fuck. :p Thanks everyone. :)
  10. santaslayer

    Here *Comes* the Judge

    shaving? eghh dangerous...when ur suppose to concentrate on other things around the room as well..
  11. santaslayer

    advice for a bad UAI

    just put the teaching degree in as ur first preference for starters. u might still get in...
  12. santaslayer


    Hello. My DVD drive is stupid. It reads the drive but it keeps telling me to insert a disc into it when I already have. What the hell is the problem? Thanks. :)
  13. santaslayer

    Long Distance

    Once a week during uni. About twice during the holidays. Sometimes I might hang out with her friends and vice versa.. Just bumming around is cool but seeing each other too often isn't practical. Live about 35 mins apart by car?
  14. santaslayer

    DVD - audio discs

    I managed to burn all my mp3's onto DVD. I'm not sure whether they would play on a DVD player though. I burned in onto DVD cause I was backing up by computer. If you have ITunes, the process should be quite easy.
  15. santaslayer

    funiiest blind date EVER

    ahahaaahhaa... what the fuck was the dude picking up a 52 yr old grandma for in the first place? and ahahaha...the mother got caught trying to
  16. santaslayer

    desktop font

    OMG it worked! Thanks MedNez sexy man. :)
  17. santaslayer

    Oral, does it constitute real sex?

    Nah oral is very different from real sex. You ARE still a virgin even if you've been blown.
  18. santaslayer

    desktop font

    Yeah sunny. It's on 1280 x 800 pixels and Highest (32bit) colour quality. :)
  19. santaslayer

    desktop font

    Hi everyone, I've just reinstalled windows XP (which took an impressive 25mins!?!?) and everything seems to be working fine. The thing is, the desktop and window fonts seem to be massive compared to what it looked like before the reformat. I've tried changing the font size by right clicking the...