(individual circumstances aside) The HSC CAN tell you how smart you are. If you were smart, you'd have played the game according to the rules set out by the BOS, considering how much the HSC is supposed to matter. After all, one of the most important things you need to do in order to succeed in...
511801 Bachelor of Arts/Law or Commerce/Law or Econ/Law or Econ and Soc Scs/Law or Int Stds/Law or Science/Law or Eng/Law - full time at University of Sydney 16/01/2006 For instructions on how to respond to your offer click here
One should combine the best of both worlds. Memorised essays are useful for topics you don't care much about. Spontaneous essays often purvey a critical "voice" that sets them apart as the most articulate and analytical responses and they are best deployed for topics you enjoy or are...
Saving Private Ryan... yuck I could hardly sit through the patriotic masturbation. From the American flag at the beginning to the American flag at the end... totally unbearable
Just saw Mulholland Dr. a few times. Simply fantastic IMO, I love the plot intricacies and how it lends itself to over-interpretation.
Kinda feel sorry for Naomi Watts for not getting a big role earlier in her career (damn she is so fine!!) In a way, she IS the character...
They're not that hard to find at legit stores actually. In fact, genuine DVD prices are at rock bottom in China since they are having to compete with their pirated counterparts.
Economics – 99 (1st in the state)
English Advanced – 90
Mathematics Extension 1 – 100 (2nd in the state)
Mathematics Extension 2 – 96
Modern History – 98 (=2nd in the state)
Physics – 97 (4th in the state)
You're my hero :uhhuh: