No. Subtitled movies will never make it consistantly to mainstream cinemas. Even the recent Miyazaki movie didn't make it to Greater Union or Hoyts, despite Miyazaki's mainstream popularity. I'm pretty sure that Kung Fu hustle was only showing in the Market City cinemas. The best that we'll get are butchered Hollywood versions of asian movies (RE: My Sassy Girl). WHITE GIRLS CAN'T BE CUTE EVIL ASIAN GIRLS (and I can't imagine a white guy being that whipped either)

. Funnily enough, most people probably won't realise that it was originally something from overseas. That isn't to say that there isn't a shot for movies with Ziyi (since she's the only asian based actress who really has a name in the West) or directed by Ang Lee. I just think that it's unlikely, which is a shame.