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  1. santaslayer

    Failing a final exam

    So I can effectively have ZERO fail grades on my academic record?
  2. santaslayer

    Marriage + Uni

  3. santaslayer

    choosing between unis...

    See, what I am saying is that the people I was referring to all did their required/recommended amount of subjects. I did too. I typically had one or two more subjects I had to complete within the same semester as opposed to others with singular degrees. Even if we all had the same credit...
  4. santaslayer

    making an impression

    dont dress too much. less is more. :p
  5. santaslayer

    What's Cheating?

    The moment the person thinks about or starts to like another person. That's already cheating. Except you can't figure that out. :p
  6. santaslayer

    friend went to hand in her late assignment today but Uni closed - what can she do???

    I think we have a 5% for law. (which is a lot since they mark so fucking hard). 10% for marketing 20% for finance.. i forget the rest... but yes, all public holidays amnd weekends are treated as 1 day late... after 7 days the assignment will not be accepted at all...
  7. santaslayer

    choosing between unis...

    Yes. :) Generator, I've never understood what that meant. Most people I know do 3 or 4 subjects but I have to do 5. That's my recommended semesterly load? The 3 or 4 subjects others do ARE their recommended semesterly load.
  8. santaslayer

    Times Higher Education 2005 World Rankings: USyd ranked higher than UNSW

    1) So the the assessment tasks are not comparable between universities. I thought you once said that universities, (more specifically, the law degree) are similar more than they are different. No? 2) We do the 'priestly eleven' don't we? OK, it may focus on different aspects of the topic but...
  9. santaslayer

    choosing between unis...

    If you get the exact cutoff then you're in. If you got the exact uai to get into a course published last year but it increased then mostly, you will not be admitted. Some exceptions may occur. im jobless. too hard for me. too many activities on the weekends too much study on normal days.
  10. santaslayer

    Times Higher Education 2005 World Rankings: USyd ranked higher than UNSW

    The HSC and subsequent UAI is an educational ranking system which ranks individual students against all other candiditure within the state of NSW. If you can't accept ranking systems then I question as to why you didn't just forfiet the UAI. Why did you get such a high rank which allowed you to...
  11. santaslayer

    Why do some law firms want to see VCE/HSC results?

    omg...u wrote too much for something that was meant to be a joke... anyway, whats ethical may not be legal whilst something legal may not be ethical...
  12. santaslayer

    Paralegal Interview!!

    wtf is up with firms wanting me to be familiar with adobe, word, excel, powerpoint, microsoft, watevawateva... i know what im doing these holidays...:( after i finish my trip to the lovely country of japan first though...:p
  13. santaslayer

    Best Aussie Law School???

    hah! my cousin does finance there. she fucking hates it. :p (teh weather)
  14. santaslayer

    Which Bus/Comm Degree has the most asians (yes i am greedy) :P

    UNSW tops with asians. Then it's Chinatown.
  15. santaslayer

    Times Higher Education 2005 World Rankings: USyd ranked higher than UNSW

    I tend to agree with omnidragon on the topic of rankings. Most people here like to dismiss the methodologies behind it but aren't able to provide an alternative. BTW, I don't go to USYD or UNSW. :p
  16. santaslayer

    Guide to Getting HD's

    What you were referring to with respect to the 83% is a FOUNDATION course. :p
  17. santaslayer

    Best Aussie Law School???

    I forget, but I think there is a 4 yr LLB for people who are 25 years or older. Not sure if that is the one Ms12 is referring to though. If you are interested, you can browse through the most recent research/survey the Australian Federal Government conducted, primarily on teaching...
  18. santaslayer

    help with friend

    if shes a close friend i dont see why she wouldnt at least listen to u.
  19. santaslayer

    Marriage + Uni

    Besides being "binded by a contract" in terms of marriage... I think it's more of an acknowledgement that ur relationship has gone to a new/higher level....yeah..? fuck the legal mumbo jumbo.
  20. santaslayer

    Tricking / Martial Arts

    hahaha... tony jaa went to HK a few months ago as a special guest in the MR Hong Kong pageant. LoLz... did a few sexy tricks involving smashing things with various mid air kicks. I think there was a backflip kick which looked pretty sexy. :)