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  1. santaslayer

    Dear 1st Year Students

    Got yourself a job yet? Or uni academic? :)
  2. santaslayer

    If UAI is a rank, does the average person get a 50 then?

    66.00 is always the state average. Maybe it has to do with the people who are excluded in the ranking process. The ones that got a uai of 30 or less are given an asterix. Just guessing.
  3. santaslayer

    Boy/girlfriend going away...

    Take it as it comes I guess. If he does come back and you still do have feelings for him then do something about it. If you (or he) finds someone else in these 3 months and you like them more, then it was never meant to be.
  4. santaslayer

    Marriage + Uni

    To all the gold digger's: De facto's who live together for a certain period and can prove that they are financially dependent on their partner may seek some sort of asset allocation upon dissolution. (SOURCE: 2003 HSC Legal Studies memory).
  5. santaslayer

    physical looks

    Thing is, if you can't stand how they look, you won't be able to stand them for long as more than a friend. In some ways you are agreeing with what I said. I won't kiss her or say "good morning, beautiful" if she isn't. Therefore, relationships are based largely on how the person looks. Of...
  6. santaslayer

    being Positive?

    when i think negative, that is, i think of all the bad things that may happen in a certain situation, it usually turns out for the better. when i think in a positive way and fail to consider all the factors surrounding a situation, it usually DOES happen. This pisses me right off! :p
  7. santaslayer

    You have X messages

    When I get an email on hotmail, MSN has a pop up indicating how many i have unread. When I clicked the popup today it didnt work. (The browser didnt come up) Any suggestions? Thanks. :)
  8. santaslayer

    Reply From Board About Crime Section

    From experience, most people get quite a reasonable mark when the Board stuffs a particular question up. :p The higher achievers are probably the ones who should be complaining.
  9. santaslayer

    physical looks

    Relationships on the most part, are based predominately on looks. The fact that you love a person for who they are is very ideal, but if you can't stand their obvious ugliness, then the relationship cannot last very long. Unless, of course you are uglier. :p
  10. santaslayer

    Question C - unfair in another way

    Having information outside the syllabus is a good way to touch up your essays but the question must be asked within the confines of the syllabus. What was the question anyways?
  11. santaslayer

    studying Chinese at Uni?

    It'd be a very nice complement to say, a commerce or engineering degree. (Which ANU has. I'm talking about the asian studies ANU offers, not a general arts degree.-EDIT: Hell, ANU even offers a B Asian Studies/ B Arts double degree. :p) But to answer your question, it is dependent upon what...
  12. santaslayer

    Close to finishing law degree? Need a job?

    That was ridiculously confuzzling. :p EDIT: I hope I don't fail my exams. :(
  13. santaslayer

    studying Chinese at Uni?

    LoLz. The Chinese market is slowly opening up. To have some knowledge in Chinese language and culture is beneficial to EVERYONE. seremify007, I actually did that. For 12 fucking years. :p So yes neo_o, I have tried studying law and Chinese. :p
  14. santaslayer

    Congrats to the BoS poster who made it to SMH today

    He is congratulating the BoS poster who made it to the SMH today. :p
  15. santaslayer

    Worst way of getting dumped.. or worst excuse for a break up

    Dumped over an e-card. Fuck. :p
  16. santaslayer

    What If Something Happened...

    I'd have to agree. :)
  17. santaslayer

    Age Difference

    As long as the chic's hot, there varen't any problems. :p
  18. santaslayer

    Subjects you regret NOT doing

    Modern History. History Extension Japanese Chinese.
  19. santaslayer

    Police brutality

    Police are there to enforce the law, not break it. (Generally) Police aren't given overly excessive powers IMO, but SOME tend to abuse it.
  20. santaslayer


    What other software do you recommend? :p Oh yea, I don't think you've directly answered Calculon's question yet. LoLz.