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  1. santaslayer

    A few questions...

    eh, raiks is bitter. :p
  2. santaslayer

    summer jobs

    I killed the real one already.
  3. santaslayer

    physical looks

    I'd say you'd become more of a girl repellant if you had that. :p
  4. santaslayer

    A few questions...

    Althought some may disagree with a few things you have said, I DO believe that is a correct attitude to have as a law student.
  5. santaslayer

    Welcome to the new Law section!

    Yep, everyone is supposed to be busy now. HSC and Uni finals. Anyway, I thought Lexi locked this thread after my previous post???? :p
  6. santaslayer

    girls with muscles? yes or no?

    i dont even wanna see abz on a woman...
  7. santaslayer

    A few questions...

    The hiennman book deals a lot with what happened (the facts) and a brief explanation as to why the court came up with the decision. It was more of a "yes this is right and that is wrong" thing. No vaugeness, no room for creativity, no need to think too much, just a yes or no answer. Which...
  8. santaslayer

    Gmail...the gift that keeps giving.....

    unless u get all them "increase ur manhood" and other random chain letters everysinglefuckingday. :p
  9. santaslayer

    starting relationships

    Try different sports together? Golf, Ice Skatin, Tennis, Basketball, DDR!, Pool/Snooker/Martial Arts? You might find something your're both interested in? I know it will be repetitive but that's the whole point. You can share something with her! That way, if its a weekly event, ull get to...
  10. santaslayer

    best p2p software

    limewire...winmx has been crucified...:(
  11. santaslayer

    Gmail...the gift that keeps giving.....

    does that mean hotmail is gonna do da same? :p
  12. santaslayer

    what if.. (more depressing threads)

    All jokes aside, I agree.
  13. santaslayer

    Uni cafe

    Actually, URAC does serve decent stuff. It's probably a little more expensive compared to the bar though.
  14. santaslayer

    Lawyer wins $145,000 for 'spiteful' arrest

    It isn't very intelligent to mess with a lawyer who know's his fucking rights. :p stupid cop. omg to police verbals.
  15. santaslayer

    Tricking / Martial Arts

    I do wushu and we do have the first two moves incprporated into our forms. The last one looks weird.
  16. santaslayer

    My brother just found all of our old school games...

    duke nukem is hillarious when i play it now.
  17. santaslayer

    physical looks

    With all due respect, I do get the feeling that you read up to that sentence and stopped to write a response straight away. I did note that attractivness was quite subjective. EDIT: Lainee, despite your very beautiful expression of love to someone whom, in future may have those...
  18. santaslayer


    MedNez could always be a bad ass and send your IP to the police. :p
  19. santaslayer

    How do you reference something already referenced in a book.

    If I was doing it, I'd just make it a primary reference. :p