If you talk to employers of large law firms (or an firm for that matter), you aren't going to expect them to spit the 'real' answer out. The 'real' answer isn't a very smart answer and does not allow freedom of choice for them. It also makes them look and sound shit as a potential employer...
this guy must have a lot of time...and money...tell him to park his arse and hit the books instead...
exams are just around the corner. :(
Hot girls get boyfriends later on in life than average looking ones. The reason is because most guys believe that the hot girl is already taken, or are too good for themselves. Most successful men have the personality, wit, charm and moooOOOooooLaaaHhhhHHhh to go for these hot girls later on in...
It's very difficult to compare SC results since many things can happen overtime.
I iknow for a fact that a LOT of my friends who got band 6's ended up with crap UAI's and the people who went shit in the SC actually got better results. I think most of them just got complacent.
I got all band...
I honestly believe you will get above 90. (Don't start telling me off if you don't :p)
I got above 90.oo and my rankings were all above 15.
I went to a school that didn't even make it to the top 200.
I stuffed most of my external exams. That is, my rankings for my externals were way below...
Which makes it confusing. The DPP are equally, if not, more talented then the commercial ones. Their salary is not symbolic of their intellect. What confuses me more is why these people work for the DPP.
Yeah, then they make movies out of it.
Situations like these aren't uncommon I guess.
It's harder to tell the girl when you do a similar activity (sport) every week and share the same friendship groups. :(