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  1. santaslayer

    studying Chinese at Uni?

    Why did you transfer to a degrading Science degree? :p Asian Studies is very good at ANU!
  2. santaslayer

    Summer School

    UoW offers HECZ for summer. I don't think it's any different in terms of price.
  3. santaslayer

    never been 'kissed'

    Meh, if you're going to hold back because of the fear of being distracted then you might as well hold back fior the rest of your life. After the HSC will come Uni and then work. You can't afford to be swept off your feet (distracted) for something as trivial as a relationship with a guy.
  4. santaslayer

    4 Girls Only

    I never realised Hornsby TAFE was that desperate in seeking free publicity/advertisment opportunities? Unless the schoolm is renting the place?
  5. santaslayer

    studying Chinese at Uni?

    Any Arts course should offer Chinese. ANU has Asian Studies as well.
  6. santaslayer

    FAQ: Passing at UoW

    You're not really their friend are you. You're just using them. :p
  7. santaslayer

    Why do some law firms want to see VCE/HSC results?

    This was brought up in one of the UWS flamming threads I encountered. (There are many, :p) The issue was that some graduates decided to brief the interviewers on their UAI to prove that they didn't go to a certain uni because they were restricted UAI-wise. What does it achieve? Jack shit...
  8. santaslayer

    Who does not give a rats ass abt the HSC? =P

    HSC doesn't depict your future at all. For all you know, you may win the lottery 10 times in a row and live off the interest that load of moolahhh generates. Also, many who did well at HSC and Uni level got fuck all because of the IT bubble burst. They just took the wrong course at the wrong...
  9. santaslayer

    4 Girls Only

    LoLz. Advertisment? We have games like Barbie, Pony Club, Mathematic Computer Tutor (:p) and many other interesting female oriented games. What's more, what's stopping girls from playing Quake, WoW, Halo and the like?
  10. santaslayer


    Except if the girl has a fucking curfew. :p
  11. santaslayer

    pick up line

    I always thought that line would shock the crap out of any girl. Guess it depends though. Many people choose the last day to ask, but a friend asked a month before he finished yr 12 and it worked. It was really good because they got to share the last month of yr 12 (which is very special...
  12. santaslayer

    How to avoid a situation

    Yes, but only when you actually meet someone who bothers to even glance at you. Pics Please.
  13. santaslayer

    confused ><! one sided communication

    Over the phone? That's odd. Sounds suspiciously like something else. :p
  14. santaslayer

    confused ><! one sided communication

    omg...i have actually made it a choice not to actively talk to my ladyfriend on msn if it isnt all that important, and amazingly, she understands. once i start talking on msn, i cant really stop. so ill talk to friends and shit, but never to the lady because after a few nights of endless jibber...
  15. santaslayer


    omgomgomgomg... bowling harbour bridge walk thingy majigy.. depending on the type of girl/guy they are, u can probably watch a certain type of movie...humour is always good...make sure u talk about it later on so u can crap on about the good points of the movie...i know a ladyfriend is...
  16. santaslayer

    Presents for your significant other

    and extremely :p
  17. santaslayer

    How do you get into big business?

    Usually, people get out what they put in. If you decide to only do a singular degree and never value-add yourself with further education, then you can only go so far in 'big business'. (Contacts and luck aside anyway).
  18. santaslayer

    What to do after a mid-year graduation and where to do masters I think Frigid has given you the perfect solution.
  19. santaslayer

    Market City

    There's JaysJays @ Market City? I've never ever come across it, and I go there every Sunday!
  20. santaslayer

    iTunes sex
