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  1. iambored

    Exam timetables are up:)

    thanks so much natstar!!
  2. iambored

    Offical Year 12 2006 Good Luck Thread

    good luck!! :D sogladit'snotme :p
  3. iambored

    Nano ? Video ?

    since they are exactly the same price (8gig and 30gig - i still don't really understand the logic behind that) i say video
  4. iambored

    This doesn't seem right.....

    oh wth! a lot of our staff worked on that, oh well, it's a crap dictionary anyway, i could never find the words i wanted in it. they should really split the ling and psych divisions altogether, the 2 areas are so diverse. then again, it's probably the same for some of the other divisions like...
  5. iambored

    Exam timetables are up:)

    :wave: when do your exams start? when do they finish? do you have saturday exams? thanks
  6. iambored

    Final Exam Timetable Out!!!

    thanks for that, i checked today but it was the draft no change to mine *phew*
  7. iambored

    AN Idiot's GUIDE to WRITING faster

    don't press hard on the paper
  8. iambored

    Australian Idol 2006

    he definitely didn't draw me in last weekend. i'm starting to find his performances a bit fake or superficial. damian this week was absolutely fantastic. sad to see bobby go, but i think the first idol's choice week was the best for him, he was very similar every week.
  9. iambored

    48 Hours!!!

    :wave: year 12 i remember being in your position. now all you little kiddies are that age, you were in year 8 :confused:
  10. iambored


    :wave: all the best
  11. iambored

    MAS214 - Videogame Presentation

    yeah it was good, the interviews were interesting
  12. iambored

    5 days until first exams, AND I JUST GOT GLANDULAR FEVER!!! help me, what do i do ?

    Re: 5 days until first exams, AND I JUST GOT GLANDULAR FEVER!!! help me, what do i do ring your school first thing tomorrow and see what they tell you. if they say nithung can be done then ring the board of studies or someone and see what they can tell you. or the advice line as someone above said.
  13. iambored

    Macquarie's Viral Boy Band - Triad

    this was funny makes me think that it must be a joke for them when they are filming their videos
  14. iambored

    BOS Dating Service?

    you are not serious, right?
  15. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    La^mb - a fragrance for Spring rofl <3 that ad definitely not vegetarian, closer to 'almost' because steak, beef, ribs, lamb are not my choice of food. maybe veal and chicken.
  16. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    haha i can't think of anything worse. i eat meat because i should (and about once a fortnight i might actually feel like it)
  17. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    spanish salami... that sounds interesting. i intend on working my way through all of the cold meats at the deli one day. edit: googled it and haha that's one i can already cross off breakfast: weetbix with apricots lunch: bread roll with olives/pancetta/cheese, (left over/ very small!)...
  18. iambored

    Looking forward to...

    oh haha cool, yeah well i had never seen the lifts in the library until someone pointed them out to me! (and if i did i would have thought they were only for staff, which i guess they are, but not if you have other reasons for needing them) is it hard on crutches on that annoying gravel stuff...
  19. iambored

    Looking forward to...

    in case you haven't thought of it and it'll make your life a bit easier - there are lifts in the library and just about every building. but let's hope you won't need to make use of them by monday :)
  20. iambored

    Facciamo una chiacchierata

    Le classe con pochi studenti sono sempre le classe piu' divertente, no? :) sm8, pensi che tu vada in italia l'anno prossimo? O lo decidi dopo gli esami? Sarebbe un esperienza fantastica, come quando sei andato in francia. Anch'io mi piacerebbe andare in italia l'anno prossimo, ma non sara'...