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  1. iambored

    Login session timeout (!!!)

    yeah you have to allow cookies, then it won't time you out
  2. iambored

    This is where our union $$$ goes....

    cool, i wish you could tell us stuff as well prusso anything which has just happened is probably di's doing though, right? here are a couple of great things for my division but i think they would have been organised under her.
  3. iambored

    This is where our union $$$ goes....

    seriously? where have you heard about him? if it wasn't for this forum there is a possibility that i wouldn't know he had even started.
  4. iambored

    This is where our union $$$ goes....

    i have heard absolutely nothing about the new vc since he started.
  5. iambored

    Are you possessive? What makes you jealous in a relationship?

    to tell you the truth, that would have to be the pinnacle of bad. firstly, i don't think you have anything to worry about, you don't have to worry that he is cheating or that he wants the other girl. he could have kept the whole thing a secret, it's the way he works, etc. etc. but, i...
  6. iambored

    The Macquarie Birthday Thread

    since we all know asy really made this thread for himself, we can't let it go to waste. that and we can't let the uower have all the fun hey miss_gtr :p happy bday! edit: happy belated bday MJ!!! hope you had a fab day
  7. iambored

    The cleanest method of determining another's relationship status...

    i agree with ogmzergrush. the cleanest way would be to get to know them well enough that it comes up, or a conversation comes where it's appropriate to ask. or known them for long enough/know a lot about them that asking is just another question about something else you want to know about...
  8. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    :eek: i'll never be able to recognise you now thanks will do :) and i totally agree!! waisted belts with dresses are so so good. yeah if i find boots/jeans i have been looking for i'll buy them, it'll get cold again sometime soon miss_gtr lib times :)...
  9. iambored

    Subway: Coming soon!

    wow lucky people. i don't think we would ever get the big buisnesses on campus.
  10. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    ok cool i will. i'll have to do this all over again in a few weeks and i was wondering where else to go - thanks!
  11. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    oo have fun glitter! thanks cliaregirl, i haven't looked at those brands actually (besides miss shop which is great), so i will. but atm i'm looking for dresses, which i am not used to wearing, so it makes them harder to find. coupled with that as much as people say that people like me can...
  12. iambored

    Help Bos'ers! MQ Email plz check something

    but if it's done through the government is should be the same for all unis shouldn't it? the links in my post on the last page (from uqld, monash etc.) all say tec de monterrey
  13. iambored

    2006 Cultural Night!

    oh damn is that next week? what time do the show things start? what time do they finish? i actually really wanted to go but i don't think i can get there in time. if i had to pick up a friend i doubt i'd make it before 9 :(
  14. iambored


    they're using that face to advertise tsubi at gp
  15. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    yey clairegirl good on you for doing it! i hope that in no time all that’s left of him is the lessons you learnt. :) boxing hey cyan… :lol: … i did boxercise once though, that was a lot of fun. what a waste of a jam packed day. I have to do assignments and some other stuff. I don’t have...
  16. iambored

    Where do I get a Change of Program form from?

    edit 2: nope i can't find it.. looks like you'll have to conquer the automatic doors
  17. iambored

    Where do I get a Change of Program form from?

    haha and embarassing when there is someone nearby edit: i'm sure i've seen this form online... currently trying to track it down...
  18. iambored

    Where do I get a Change of Program form from?

    haha i'm the type that the doors don't sense. i've got no idea why.
  19. iambored

    Australian Idol 2006

    i wasn't happy that reigan went. she had so much potential, her voice and looks are beautiful and versatile and she hadn't changed yet. oh well.
  20. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    :( if you can, make sure you decide exactly what you want from the relationship before you talk to him. be sure enough of yourself that you can stick to it (again, if you can). if you don’t he’ll talk you into staying even if you don’t exactly want to and you’ll keep kicking yourself for not...