well i used to use it in first year and it was fine, since then i started bookmarking pages so i haven't used it as much but when i have it hasn't worked
cheer up, as soon as the assignments are in you have conception day to look forward to :)
if no one else knows try the lecturer because sometimes on unit pages they have special usernames and passwords
secondly, i didn't mean for that thread to be deleted, most of the webpages linked from the uni site have 'page not found' so the uni site is mostly useless at the moment
eh so now i'm posting for the sake of it :)
i don't know what you took from that post, but better option = because i'm not going to start stories about poor people, disturbing = because apparently oj and i hate each other :p
i'm working on the conclusion of an essay (i.e. everything else...
:wave: hopeful
thanks for that, i only visit other forums/threads apart from mac every now and then
well i would definitely agree with that, moreso than people not connecting with joseph because he was shy (which i also agree with, but i think some of us were ready to see him become less...
nah i don't think it's the one you're talking about, it's a different one. it's not for disadvantaged. certain schools are called 'partners' of the uni. the uni gives students from the school a chance to apply for 5 bonus uai points. a few students are selected from each school.
i'll take a guess of definitely 90+ even 95/96+. depending on the true meaning of 'mid to high band 5 range' (you don't know what band you'll really get compared to the rest of the state) with those subjects it could even be a lot higher.
haha yes.. very important, a need :uhoh:
i'm actually not kidding though, i have nothing to wear for summer parties, i don't even own a nice skirt!
edit: ok well in the holidays i need to go shopping.. mac centre is a shopping centre... so has anyone been to mac centre recently? more...